Elsa turned tomato red again, and gazed at both girls with eyes bigger than plates.

"Of-Of course not! What are you talking about?!" Elsa squeaked, offended. Rapunzel and Anna chuckled.

"Aw, c'mon, Els! There's nothing wrong about it!" Rapunzel said rolling her eyes while chuckling.

"You're freaking insane" Elsa said, looking at both of them in concern.

"I don't know why you're so shy about it!" Anna said. Elsa rolled her eyes and began sipping her mocha frappe.

"Yeah, I bet that you did it already" Rapunzel said suggestively.

Elsa spitted all of her frappe and started to choke uncontrollably.

Merida patted Elsa's back while Anna and Rapunzel just stood looking at her in shock, and once she finally calmed herself- still tomato red because of the question and because of the choke that nearly killed her- Elsa breathed in and out before she gazed at both of them completely flustered.

"WHAT?! What in hell makes you think that?!" Elsa asked agitated. "We've only being 'dating' or whatever for a few weeks!"

"Jeez, Elsa, relax! We're not teenagers anymore, you know?" Rapunzel said still stunned by her friend's reaction.

"And what do you mean by that?" Elsa asked in a high-pitched voice.

"I mean there's not that 'waiting' that every high school girl does to make herself not look like whore" Rapunzel commented.

"And there's no guys that go running all over town presuming about getting laid the minute after they did" Anna added.

"Correct. So, the point is, you're adults already there's nothing wrong in not waiting months to have sex" Rapunzel finally concluded.

"Oh my gosh, are we really talking about this?" Elsa said in complete disbelief.

"This kind of feel worst than when my folks gave me the talk... And yer not even saying this to me" Merida said.

"Whatever, there's really nothing to be ashamed of" Rapunzel shrugged.

"Are you serious? We're not even official! I'm not even sure where we stand!" Elsa said exasperated.

"People don't really ask to be official anymore. You two totally are" Rapunzel assured.

"Uh- I don't know, Kristoff asked me a few days ago" Anna said recalling. "And I'm pretty sure that Flynn asked you as well"

"See? I want us to be official first, at least." Elsa said.

"Maybe... But still, people that are not yet official but are in process of becoming one have sex" Rapunzel said again. "We're adults anyway right? I mean Cinderella and Snow are married, it's believed that Esmeralda is waiting a baby-"

"OKAY, okay! What that even has to do with anything?" Elsa exclaimed. "Can we change the subject already?"

"I'm just saying that there's nothing to be worried about" Rapunzel said calmly.

"That doesn't mean I'm gonna just get laid with him because I want to! Neither that we're getting married or starting a family!" Elsa said.

"I just don't understand why you're acting so offended by everything, like having sex with someone that's about to be your boyfriend is something excessively precious" Rapunzel simply said. "If I didn't know you any better I'd think you're a virgin"

Elsa stayed quiet.

The three girls looked at her with wide eyes.

"No freaking way! Ye are a virgin?" Merida exclaimed.

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