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Chapter Thirteen: Shortened


We were both on the floor of the waiting room, all of the seats having been taken.

My head continued to pound and I let out a sob. The tears continued to fall. Michael stretched his legs out and motioned to them.

“You can lie down if you’d like.”

I rested my head on his lap and tucked my knees up into my chest, letting out a whimper at the searing pain.

I felt his fingers brush my temples and the back of my head.

“How much does it hurt?”

“My head is on fire, Michael.”

He sighed.

“I don’t want you to be in pain.”

I twisted around slightly, meeting eyes with him. His eyes were sad, and didn’t contain the usual shine of mischief.

“I don’t want you to be sad.”

He smiled weakly and brushed at my temples again. He looked up suddenly and a voice spoke.

“Gavin Free, you’re up.”

I sat up slowly, facing the familiar doctor.

Michael helped me stand, and we followed him into the room.


The doctor sighed as he glanced at the scans on the screen. He looked at Michael, and then back to me.

“Mr Free, are you sure you want these results to be read in front of your friend?”

I felt Michael’s hand suddenly grip mine, comforting.

“I’m not leaving him.”

The doctor sighed again.

“Very well…” He turned to me, “Gavin, almost two weeks ago I told you that you had a month to decide, before this surgery becomes fatal. Unfortunately…” He looked at Michael, and shook his head.

“Unfortunately, your disease has spread. Faster than expected.”

I blinked in shock.

“What are you saying?”

“Gavin Free… You have five days to decide. I also told you that at the worst, you would have four months to live. That has now been shortened. If you refuse this surgery, you will have less than two weeks to live.”

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