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Chapter Four: Paralysed


I spent the fifth day and night at home, terrified to go to work.

I kept my phone off.

I didn’t want to face Michael.

My body was strangely numb, and I had to force myself to do the simplest of things.

On the sixth morning, I woke up paralysed.

My entire body was still, locked into place.

Part of my sensory system was failing.

I screamed, trying to thrash around and fight the numbness that froze me into place. The numbness was oddly painful to me, making me nauseas. I let out a sob as the paralysation began to wear, allowing slight movements back to me, little by little.

The door slammed open and Geoff stood in shock, eyes wide.

“Gavin, what the hell is going on?”

I let out a choking sob, struggling to sit up. He helped me, leaning my back against the wall.

“What the hell Gav?”

I didn’t want to tell him.

I glanced over at the doorway, seeing a Millie watching cautiously.

I didn’t want to upset her any more than I already had.

So I lied.

“Sorry mate, I didn’t mean to frighten you. The doctor gave me some medicine and um… Sleep paralysis is one of the side effects. I guess it kicked in. I panicked and uh… yeah. Sorry!”

I forced on a smile and Millie smiled back, before disappearing down the hallway.

Geoff’s eyes went cloudy.


I kept the plastic smile fixed to my face as I nodded for him to continue. He spoke softly.

“You told me you just had a cold. Why would you need prescription medication?”

The smile was gone. He watched it leave so easily before speaking up again.

“Gavin… How sick are you, really?”

Thoughts went wild in my head, offering up the truth and lies.

I chose the latter.

“I’m… It’s not a cold. It’s worse than a cold. But not by much, okay? It’s just some weird type of illness. I didn’t want anyone to worry, so I said it was just a cold. But it’s just an illness and I’ll be fine in a couple weeks. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

His expression lit up slightly.

“It’s alright man. I thought it might’ve been something worse though, that’s what got me worried. Just tell us next time.”

I painted on another smile.

“Sorry. I’m gonna get up now, yeah?”

He rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, you aren’t missing another day of work. By the way, Michael was asking about you.”

I chewed on the inside of my cheek, a nervous habit I picked up.

“What was he asking about?”

“Something about a form…? I’m not really sure; you’ll have to ask him.”

It was as though hearing those words made me paralysed all over again.

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