Check Up

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Chapter One: Check-up


I gripped at my temples, the pain shockingly fierce. Black spots spattered across my vision and I closed my eyes as the pain subsided slowly.

“You alright buddy?”

Geoff’s voice made it to my ears and I opened my eyes, blinking a few times to clear the spots.

“I’m getting these bloody awful headaches. And lately, my vision hasn’t been exactly what you’d call top.”

Ray turned his chair to face me.

“Vav, maybe you should see a doctor. Maybe all those head trauma incidents are catching up to you.” He gave a chuckle.

I shook my head, the slight movement making me dizzy. I clutched at my head again.

Barbara stood at the door, her arms folded across her chest.

“We’re getting really concerned Gav…  And if you’re getting dizzy from the slightest movements, you should definitely see a doctor.”

I rolled my eyes and stood up slowly.

“Alright, fine! Bloody oath, I’ll get an appointment for tomorrow if you sods are all so worried. It’s nothing to worry about.”

I left the room, ignoring the mutters of relief coming from behind me.


I hated hospitals.

That was the only thing I could think of as the doctor examining me, glancing up to the screen, to me, to his clipboard.

I had had blood taken from me numerous times, scans of my brain taken… Didn’t I just come here for a bloody check-up?

“Is there are reason all these bloody tests are being taken?” I muttered, locking eyes with the doctor.

He flicked his eyes back up to me and sighed.

“I know you only came for a check-up, Mr Free, but something came up in your eye test, which is why we took your blood. Something came up again in the blood test, so we had to repeat, to ensure that what we were seeing was positive. After that, it was necessary to take a scan of your brain.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“… And that thing is?”

His face seemed to sadden slightly.

“I am sorry to tell you this Mr Free, but you have a condition in your brain. There is something damaging the nerve systems, and it will be very deadly to you in a course of a few months.”

The shock washed over me. I spoke almost robotically.

“How… How long do I have?”

“Six months at the most, four months at the least. However, before then, you will experience severe headaches, and your sensory system may function badly, hence the problems seeing. Some days may be worse than others.”

I remained silent as the doctor spoke up again.

“However, there is a treatment. It is a rather expensive surgery, and there is a 35% chance that you will die after the surgery has been done. It has to be done before a month passes however, as by then there is no chance of survival. I have a form for the surgery if you are willing.”

I nodded.


I didn’t remember taking the form, I didn’t remember leaving.

But I was back at the office.

I stood with a form in my hands as I leant on my desk.

The door next to me slammed open, and I hid the form behind my back. Michael walked in, letting out a long stream of curse words.

I swallowed.

“Are you alright, Mi-cool?”

His eyes snapped up to mine, blazing.

“Am I alright? I’ve had a shit fucking day Gavin, and work has been even shittier, when I’m playing this fucking bullshit game, and you know what? Now you are talking to me! You! Why couldn’t it have been anyone else? You annoy the fuck out of me Gavin, and you know what? Sometimes, I just hate you so much that I just wish you’d die. Just fuck off already!”

He stormed out, his words stinging.

Normally, they never got to me. I knew it was the game he was mad at, and not me.

But today was different.

It was like his words had left me completely numb.

I have no idea how long I stood there, that damned form still hidden behind my back.

Ray poked his head around the door, before yelling out to Geoff and Barbara that I was here. The three came in, followed by all the others.

It was Geoff that asked, causing the room to go silent.

“So, how are you, buddy?”

I need some minor surgery, but that’s it. It’ll just help my brain.

That’s what I should’ve said.

But I didn’t.

My eyes panned across the faces in the room, before resting on Michael’s still enraged one. He narrowed his eyes at me and I glanced at the ground quickly.

I gave a smile, hoping it seemed unbroken and real to my friends.

“I’m completely fine. Just some cold, and uh… I’ll be fine in a couple days.”

Ray grinned at me.

“Good to know, Vav.”

The room went back to its previous loudness.

Nobody heard me crumple the paper form behind my back.

And nobody noticed when I tossed it behind my desk.

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