Protect Her~ A Hunger Games Fan Fiction

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I woke up with a strange feeling in my chest, and clammy palms. I realised why it was. Today was the day of the reaping, and that also meant the day I would volunteer.

My father doesn't want me to do it, he said it is a foolish thing to do, and I wouldn't make the first three nights, but I know I will. My father doesn't know about my training with The other Careers, along with my little sister, Cherish. Well, little isn't what I'd describe Cherish as, in fact I wouldnt describe any member of my family as little.

My father is giant, really. He is 6"8, and one of the tallest men in District 4, he has a lot of muscle on him, as he has been fishing since the age of 10. My mother was tall as well, until she died of pneumonia two years ago. I take after our dad, I have dad's jet back curls, and muscly structure. I am only 17, but I am 6"6 and still growing. Cherish, on the other hand, takes after mother. She is blonde like her, and has the same green eyes. The only thing I really get from Mom is her ability to swim fast. She was a natural born swimmer, with long legs and strong arms. I was taught to swim at an extremely young age, even for District 4, and I am still no way as good as she ever was.

I quickly go into the bathroom and have a small wash, which is pointless really because I was planning on going swimming anyway. I quickly pull on my tight fitting green shirt and black trousers and head downstairs, where my father is cooking some salmon for breakfast.

"Morning Pops" I say, and sit down at my seat on the table. My father continues to fry the fish, and my sister comes downstairs a few minutes after me. She kisses dad on the cheek, and sits down next to me, and whispers; "Are you still gonna volunteer?"

"Of course. Did you think I was gonna back out? Surely you know me better than that."

"It's going to break dad's heart you know, seeing you up there. He has raised us differently, not at careers." she says, looking directly at me. "His darling boy getting killed in that big old arena."

"Who says I'm going to get killed? I know how to handle myself."

Dad starts to plate up the dish, so we both hush into silence. He brings over our plates and sits opposite us.

"So kids... what are your plans today?" he says innocently. He surely doesn't think that we will go forward to the games. He doesn't know that I am planning to go to the Capitol. He doesn't.

"Uhh... Before the reaping, I think I'll go down to the beach for a while, maybe swim down to Starpoint."

Startpoint is a place Dad used to take us when Cherish and I were little. Sometimes we'd take dad's boat there, and eat a picnic, but most of the time we'd swim. It's so calm

near Star, that it's like swimming in a crystal lake, and you just glide through it. Dad stopped taking us when Mom died. He needed to work extra, so he took up more fishing days. Cherish and I still visit sometimes, but not very often.

"No your not Kai!" Kai is my name, meaning Sea. Surprisingly, it is not a common name is District 4. "You're staying her with me. And you Cherish. Your keeping your Pop company!" he says, sniffing.

"Why not, dad? I go everyday!" I argue.

"Exactly!" He cries, "This may be the last morning we spend together if either of you get picked for that bleeding reaping, I want to spend it at home."

Cherish and I look at each other in shock at our father's outrage, as this is the first time he has even mentioned us getting picked as we only have our names in the reaping bowl the required times, Cherish five times, and I, seven.

I lied when I said I was going to Starpoint, not about going to the Beach though. The only reason I really want to go down to the sea is to practise with my spear. I don't really need to practise, as I am honest in saying I can catch a fish that is twenty meters away in the middle of a wave, with either of my arms. Cherish could actually use the practise though, as she can only throw a spear with her right arm, and only then she can only throw half of what I can. She is brilliant at making things though, spear heads and fish hooks.

We don't argue anymore, as we know it is pointless. Once dad has made his mind up at something, he sticks to it. We spend the morning talking and remembering memories. Dad talks about days out fishing and swimming, and Cherish and I tell him about school stories. We're not really interested, but it's something to do.

About 15 minutes before the reaping is scheduled to start, we leave our small beachside cottage, and head to the bustling square outside The Justice Building. I see some of my friends, Tomas and Sherk, and we exchange tense greetings. I have told them I wish to volunteer, and they admitted they wouldn't mind the glory of it either. It's fair game for whoever gets it. I've been practising my sprints to the stage for weeks.

The mayor, Bartholomew Garret waddles onto the stage, his huge stomach pushing the seams of his green suit to the limit. He reads the history of Panem, and then the boring Treaty of Treason, whilst taking short breaks in-between to catch his breath. He then introduces the last victors of The Hunger Games, lastly reading out this year's mentors, Freya Madell, the beautiful red headed victor from 2 years ago, and Finnick Odair, who was last year's victor. When Finnick is called onto stage, you can actually feel the wave of applause making it into your ears. I look over to find Cherish, as Finnick is one of her best friends. I'm quite bummed, I hadn't thought of who my mentor would be, and I certainly hadn't thought that he would be two years younger than me. I push the thought from my head, and study Finnick as he goes on about his amazing feat of last year.

Finally, Archi Terrain, the escort for the tributes of District Four arrives on stage, his face covered in silver and blue tattoos, and his hair adorned with a seagreen wig, and even topped by shells. I swear, he is more like the mascot of 4.

"Greetings, everyone, and welcome to District four's reaping for the 66th Annual Hunger Games!"

A small round of applause is made from the other career's family members, and a few children as well.

"Now, let me begin by reaping the girl tribute! As usual, May the odds be Ever in your favour!"

His long, thin hand dives right to the bottom of the girl's bowl, and it clutches a normal slip of paper. He slowly pulls it out, and study's the name, finally reading it aloud:

"Cherish Sandmen!"

My sister. My little sister.

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