Chapter Eleven

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"Mmmmm." I rolled over, wrapping my arms around Madison. She sighed, snuggling farther into me. I kissed the top of her head, breathing in her hair. "Let's never leave here." I whispered. I felt her smile against my chest and my heart ached with happiness.

"Unless you want to deal with my coach, I'd advise against it." She laughed, then sat up suddenly, panicked. "Oh, shit!" She said, flinging off the covers and running over to her purse on the nightstand.

"Abby covered for you," a muffled voice caused us both to jump. Cam was in his bed, pressing his pillow over his head. "Can I please go back to sleep now?" I laughed, glancing back over to Madison. Relief washed over her face. She breathed out a long breath and closed her eyes.

"Come here," I whined to her. She smiled, shaking her head. "Come onnnnnnnn." I said, "I'll take you out to breakfast afterwards."

"The hotel has breakfast," she pointed out. I glared at her and she laughed. God, her laugh is amazing.

"Fine." She said, climbing over top of me to her side of the bed, pausing for a second too long while her ass was in my face.

"That's so not fair." I told her, pulling her back up against me once she was back under the covers.

"What?" She asked, looking up at me. She genuinely looked confused, her eyebrows scrunched as she studied me, and I realized she had no idea what she had done or how she affected me. I shook my head, letting it go. "That's so not fair." She mocked. I laughed, lightly running my fingers up her sides. She squirmed a little, holding her breath.

"Wait!" I looked down at her. "Are you ticklish?" There was more excitement in my voice than necessary. I wasn't the only one to notice this, as Madison pushed away from me, fighting my death grip on her.

"Don't you dare." She glared. I laughed, holding her against me again in one hand and gently running my fingers over the skin on her sides with the other. She squirmed against me, laughing and begging me to stop.

"OH MY GOD!" Cam said, throwing a pillow at us and standing up from the bed. "Guess I'm up for the day." I could hear the annoyance in his voice, but I didn't actually care that much.

"Sorry." Madison muttered.

"I don't blame you," Cam glared at me, then headed into the bathroom, the shower sounding a second later.

"So," I said, raising my eyebrows at her. "What do you want to do now that we're alone?"

"Not have sex with you," she laughed, running a hand slowly down my chest and to the elastic band of my sweatpants.

"Not this again," I groaned and she laughed again, sliding her hands around my waist and snuggling her head into my chest. "You know, one of these days you're going to regret teasing me so much."

"Is that so," she said, looking up to me. She let her fingers run gently over my back, tracing shapes and letters.

"Yes," I breathed. "I won't be able to control my actions."

"Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing." I looked down at her. Her eyes were so sweet and pure and her smile so genuinely innocent, and I didn't want to be the one to ruin her.

"It would be," I looked away from her, hearing the venom in my voice. She must have heard it too, because she stopped tracing circles in my back and sucked in a breath of frustration.

"I wish you'd stop acting like you're the worst thing that could happen to me." She whispered, gently kissing my chest.

"Trust me," I told her. "I would be." I knew this would hurt her, but I didn't know how else to tell her she might not want to get too close. I also couldn't decide if I wanted to get close, if not only for the sake of not damaging her. "I shouldn't have made out with you yesterday." I said, thinking aloud. "I probably shouldn't be here with you right now either."

"Wow." She said, sitting up. I wanted to pull her back down, but I knew I shouldn't. My last relationship had ended badly, and I was the cause of it ending. I didn't want to make the same mistakes with someone who actually made me feel alive. "Where did this come from?" She asked me, a quizzical look strewn across her face. "Just so you know," she said before I could answer her. She crawled out of the bed, walking over to the closet to retrieve her dress and shoes, grabbing her purse off the dresser on the way. "I don't let people in that easily." She told me. She shook her head before looking at me again. My whole body burned, aching to get out of the bed and stop her. "I can't believe I let my guard down for someone who doesn't care." She said. The words stabbed at me. If only she knew the real affect she had on me, she wouldn't be questioning whether or not I cared. Right then, Cam came walking out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Oh, you leaving?" He asked Madison.

"Yeah," she said, glancing back at me, before opening the door and leaving.

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