Chapter Seven

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"You know you like me." Nash winked. After we left the hotel again, we took full advantage of my first day off, wandering the streets of Vegas in the evening.

"You're alright." I shrugged, trying not to smile as I sipped on my mocha. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him grin wide, his face changing colors slightly in the city's lights.

"You can lie all you want." He grabbed my coffee, taking a sip, while fighting be back with his other arm.

"Hey!" I whined, jumping at him. But I came up short, like always. Nash smirked, handing my coffee back.

"Like I was saying," he continued. "Lie all you want, but I know you got it bad for me." He slung his arm around my shoulder, bringing me in closer to his side as we walked down the crowded sidewalk.

"Whatever you say." I took a sip of my chocolate coffee, and tried to ignore the acceleration of my beating heart.

"Anyway," Nash slid his arm down to my waist, giving my side a firm squeeze. My stomach errupted with butterflies. "Why don't I ever hear about your family?" He asked. "I've already basically told you my life story." Nash had told me earlier that he has two brothers, older and younger, a little sister and that his mom and dad had gotten divorced and that both were remarried.

"Probably because there's not much to tell." I laughed. "And it's not my fault you're so open."

"True, but I'd still like to know." He looked down at me and somehow his big blue eyes became bigger and more hypnotizing than they had been before.

"Fine." I grumbled, looking foward down the busy sidewalk again as people buzzed by. "My family's pretty nuclear." I shrugged. "My dad is a business man, my mom a writer. And my older brother, Caden is at UCLA for Pyschology. He's really smart." I smiled, my heart aching a bit from not seeing him in awhile.

"What are you going to school for?" Nash asked.

"Communication, with a minor in Art."

"That sounds like fun! For school, anyways." Nash laughed. "What do you want to do with it?" He asked.

"I want to be a concert photographer. Or an event photographer." I smiled at him. Nash gave me a small smile back, but also looked confused. "Here, I'll show you." I said, flipping open my phone, which I instantly regretted. My background was still set as a picture of my ex, Austin, and I. He was kissing my cheek and I was smiling cheesily into the camera. I don't know why I hadn't changed it yet. I guess it never really bothered me all that much, until now. I quickly clicked on my Facebook app and went to my photos. "See." I said handing the phone to him.

"These are actually really amazing." He smiled, flipping through them as he slid his finger across the screen. Our walking slowed a bit and I grew more and more anxious with every picture he slid through. "I can feel the emotion and the atmosphere of the show." He smiled at me, handing my phone back. "What band was that?"

"Just a local band from back home." I shrugged. Nash nodded, still smiling at me.

"Well, I think they're great!" He hugged me further into his side. "I think you're great." He added, and though I couldn't see it, I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Oh my goodness!" I shimmied out of his grip, excitedly. "That's Billie Joe Armstrong!" I pointed to a restaurant down the street, as he walked out the door.

"Well, go say 'hi'!" Nash laughed at my enthusiasm. "Fangirl much?" I shot a glare at him, then turned to see Billie headed our way.

"Oh, God." I slid beind him, using his body as a shield, and gripping the fabric of his coat. Nash laughed at me.

"What's up, Billie?" Nash brought the singer over to us.

"Hey, man!" Billie said with his accent. "You a fan?" I peeked out from behind Nash. There he stood, black eyeliner and all.

"Actually, I'm hosting iheart radio this year! And my girlfriend's a huge fan." Nash smiled back over his shoulder at me and Billie smiled, extending a hand around Nash, which I took, shakily. I was so nervous, I completely dismissed Nash's girlfriend comment.

"Hi." I smiled weakly, stepping out from around Nash.

"Well, since your boyfriend is hosting," Billie gave Nash a skeptical glance. "We should all hang out backstage after the show." He smiled at me, still holding my hand. From my side, I felt Nash put his arm around my waist, gripping it tight. Billie seemed to notice this too. "Well, I guess I'll see you two tomorrow." He leaned back, letting go of my hand.

"See ya!" I squeaked as he walked past us, smiling. "THAT JUST HAPPENED!" I exclaimed when I was sure Billie was completely gone. Nash shook his head.

"He was totally hitting on you." He grimaced.

"Ha!" I laughed out loud at him. "He's like way older than me, Nash."

"Still didn't stop him from checking you out."

"Okay, 'boyfriend'," I threw up air quotes. "Calm down." Nash blushed and looked away. "Still want me there tomorrow?" I asked, a little more hopeful this time. Nash sighed, running his other hand through his hair.

"Of course." He smiled down at me.

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