Chapter Three

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"Mine!" Erica sets the ball up in the air.

"Mine!" Abby says, positioning herself to jump up and spike the ball over the net, which she does, earning us the game winning point.

"Yes!" I cheer, jumping on her with the other girls.

"Come on, girls!" Penny, our coach, yells, clapping her hands. "Locker room!" I smile, wiping the sweat off my brow and followed the rest of the girls back to shower and change.

"Nice shorts!" I hear a familiar voice yell from behind me. I look over my shoulder to see that Nash is jogging over to me in tight skinny jeans and a baggy flannel shirt. I try my best not to blush, but I doubt he could tell anyways with the heat that was already radiating from my body. "Nice game too." He winked once he reached me.

"Thanks!" I smiled at him.

"Scott!" Penny yelled at me. "Shower! Now!"

"I should go." I said, pointing behind me. "But, thanks for coming!"

"Oh, I can wait." He smirked at me. "Go shower, stinky." I rolled my eyes and jogged to the locker room.

"So!" Ellie wiggled her eyebrows at me. "Looks like someone's boy toy came."

"Ha!" I stuck my tongue out at her. "He's not my boy toy. Besides, we just met a couple days ago."

"Tell him that!" Abby laughed, smacking my ass as she walked past me. I was definitely thankful I hadn't stripped down yet. I carefully peeled off my spanks and tanktop, grabbing a towel and slipping under the cold shower water, washing off the battle of the game.

"Cold?" Ellie laughed, brushing her hair.

"Why can't we get a locker room with warm water for once?" I shivered, quickly pulling on my clean underwear, sports bra, adidas athletic pants, and Obey crewneck sweatshirt. I grabbed a hair tie from my brush, not bothering to actually brush my long brown hair, and spun it up into a messy bun to keep it from dripping down my back.

"Nash is waiting outside." Abby came back in the locker room, smirking at me.

"What did you say to him?" I glared at her.

"Nothing really." She shrugged. "Just that we have free days tomorrow and the day after." I threw my head back and groaned, earning a laugh from some of the girls. I gathered my things in my duffle bag, trying to think up an excuse to not hang out with Nash. "Also, his friend is really cute." Abby smiled to herself, twirling her hair.

"He's also an ass." I rolled my eyes at the thought of Cam.

"Alright girls!" Penny yelled, grabbing her bag. "Anyone going back to the hotel, the bus is leaving now. To those of you who wish to spend your free time differently, be safe and check in this evening." And with that, most of the girls headed out of the locker room towards the buses.

"Hey, spanks!" Nash laughed as I grimaced at the new nickname he'd given me. "What do you have planned today?" He smiled, grabbing a stray hair and tucking it behind my ear.

"Nothing!" Abby came up beside me and answered before I even had a chance to get a syllable out of my mouth. Nash's smile grew bigger.

"You wanna hang out?"

"I was actually going to go back to the hotel and sleep." I said, glaring at Abby.

"Looks like the buses are leaving." Cam laughed at me. I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"We could always give you a ride back." Nash suggested, shooting Cam a look. I nodded my head, hesitantly. Abby smirked at me.

"You wanna hang out, Cam?" She asked him, batting her eyelashes.

"Sure!" He said, smiling at her. "What do you wanna do?"

"Just chill?" She suggested. He laughed and nodded his head. "We could all go to a movie or watch one back at the hotel." She said. I wanted to kick her.

"That sounds great!" Nash smiled. "Then Madison can rest and we can all just hang out." Cam nodded his head and I reluctantly agreed, nodding too as we all walked out to Nash's car.

"You can have the front." Cam said, opening the back passenger side door to sit next to Abby.

"Thanks." I muttered. Cam being nice to me was a little weird. The first time I met him all he did was act annoyed.

The car ride was awkward. I could hear Abby and Cam getting along in the back as she giggled at everything he said, while Nash and I just sat silently, listening to the radio.

"You can plug in your phone if you want." He suggested, smiling at me and handing me an aux cord. I smiled back at him and took it, selecting a Blink 182 'I Miss You'.

"And your education begins!" I smile and Nash laughs at me.

"So!" Abby yells from the backseat, causing Nash to turn the volume down. I roll my eyes as she begins to talk over one of my favorite songs. "What was your favorite part?" She asked, smirking. "Seeing Madison in spanks, or seeing Madison in spanks?"

"Oh my god." I said, flipping her off without turning around. Nash and Cameron laughed.

"My favorite part was when Madison would smile every time she did a good serve or scored on the other team." Nash looked over at me as we pulled up to a stop light. "Your smile is gorgeous, by the way." I looked away from him, blushing as Abby 'awed' from the back.

Once we were back at the hotel, Cam and Nash led us to their room, only a few floors above us.

"What do you guys wanna watch?" Nash said, pulling up Netflix on the television.

"I'll probably pass out." I sighed, taking my bun out and letting my hair fall into messy waves around my shoulders and down my back. I slid under the covers in the bed I assumed was Nash's, pulling them up to my nose.

"Its up to Abby and Cam then." Nash smiled at me.

"We could watch The Benchwarmers!?" Abby squealed a little too excited. The Benchwarmers was her favorite movie. Cam smiled at Abby, pulling her back on his bed to cuddle and nodded in agreement.

"Benchwarmers it is!" Nash said, selecting the movie and then handing Cam the remote. "Do you mind?" He smiled shyly, gesturing to the spot next to me on his bed. I shook my head 'no' and Nash slid under the cover with me, careful to stay on his side.

I watched the beginning of the movie up until the Pizza Hut scene when Richy tells the beautiful Pizza girl that he likes salad 3 times. Everything started getting hazy as I drifted, my responses becoming shorter and delayed when someone spoke to me. Then, the last thing I remember was being pulled into someone, their arm resting around my body as I fell asleep.

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