Entry 25 - Ketchup & Mustard

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Ketchup & Mustard

Don't they almost always come hand in hand?

Doesn't that remind you of best friends? In the way that they're so alike yet different. 

It's a dream of mine for me  to find a lifelong best friend. Surprisingly enough, I've never had one before, well not all that surprising but still. I don't even know why it hasn't happened I guess it's sorta like with other types relationships, they decide when's the best time to come.

I always loved when I would see sets of friends just having the time of their lives with their most close friends. I don't necessarily consider it jealously but at the same time I can't help but want one.

However, isn't the comparison applicable to an actual relationship where one person can be one way and the other another? I believe so, I mean there's so many types of relationships that dont have to be particularly a best friend kind or anything but it's still amazing to find your other half.

Words to the wise; Just because you feel as though you can do it alone, know that it's just as amazing to share an experience with someone else.

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