Entry 3 - Give Me Reason

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Give Me Reason -Jan. 3, 2014

Reasons to love, reason to live, reasons for anything and everything. Why do we have to have reason to do whatever it is that we do?

Why cant we be grateful beings and help out those in need? What, do we have to live through that so we can actually have that reason do help them?

Oh how I love those who do it out of the greatness of their hearts; it's one of those things I love to know people still do, you know, and I thank them for it but I also believe we can all do it in our own ways.

Honestly, we give more importance to irrelevant issues rather than those that we have to put up on our lists to fix that it's completely ludicrous.

Words to the wise; You might want to evaluate your values because sometimes we all have those times were things go up to our heads that we forget the true ones but its ok, because we are human after all.

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