Entry 15 - Appreciate

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I don't always exactly express my appreciation for some of the things I have. Maybe it could be that I close off my feelings to many things. Sometimes I feel as though I am very selfish and ungrateful. Whether it be because I want something I know I dont need but still want or if it's the way I think of myself.

I see how some families are struggling to even make ends meet while some have all these luxuries they take for granted.

The worst part is when I envy others. Well maybe not envy but it could be similar, I think. Envy, such a horrible word yet it exists.  It's those moments where I think "Aw man, I wish I had that:". It's those same moments where I want what others have. 

As I grow and learn new things, I realize I should appreciate what I actually do have because there's so many people who wish had what I do but can't afford it for whatever the reason may be. 

I feel as though it's a very hard situation to be in but at the end of the day it's part of learning and self discovery.

Words to the wise; When you see yourself being envious or jealous or the likes, realize that so many people would probably have liked to have something ,anything but can't because it could potentially be out of their reach. And honestly, it's horrible but the point is learn to appreciate. Learn to be grateful of what you have.

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