Entry 9 - Dance

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Realize we all have ways to express different emotions, but some of us find that by dancing whether it be ballet, ever so delicately,or breakdancing, moving and shaking like there's no tomorrow. I say that but I really mean no offense, but I couldn't find a way to contrast it from ballet.

I remember when I was about 4 or 5, I had to perform in the schools cafetorium (a combination of cafeteria and the auditorium) with my first crush! Oh man, I was ecstatic.

Turned out all that dancing I used to do all the came to an end. The boy had stage fright so he wouldn't move when were we suppose to and well little me got embarrassed and for a time after I wouldn't dance.

Thing is, after all that, I still have my moments were I get scared to perform in front of crowds, or anywhere really. I developed a bit of stage fright, but only a little, luckily.

But that's the beauty,you see. I loved and still do love, dancing. Dancing is amazing. Dancing liberates you for at least a moment in which you are free to sway and let yourself loose.

Words to the wise; Be free, if you use dancing while doing so, I'd say go for it.

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