Chapter 10

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“Alright… Don’t get out until I’m out of the car. Alright Jake,” I asked looking back at the little boy who was bouncing happily in the back seat.

“Ok Mommy,” He replied as he played with his seat belt.

I slowly got out and then opened Jacob’s door. He jumped into my arms with a little smile playing on his face… “Are you ready so see Uncle Joonas?”

“Yeah! Uncle Joonas!”

“Alright… Let’s go then,” I replied and closed his car door, walking towards the apartment building in front of us.

“Yay,” He screeched getting quite antsy in my arms.

“Do you want to help me count to 7,” I asked  looking down at Jake as we walked into an elevator.

“Yeah!! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. uhhh 6?... 7!”

“Yep that’s right buddy,” I replied and pressed the 7 button.

“What door is his,” Jacob asked looking up at me with questioning eyes.

“Uhhh G8,” I informed as I looked down at the excited little boy.

“Ok,” He replied as the doors opened and I stepped out, walking down the hall to the door with G8 on it.  

I knocked on the door and a few seconds later Joonas opened the door with a big smile on his face.

“UNCLE JOONAS,” Jake screeched reaching out for Joonas.

Joonas happily took Jake into his arms and said, “Hey buddy! How are ya?”

“I’m good. Mommy is not happy lately though,” Jake trailed off with a little frown at the end.

I opened my eyes a little wide in surprised. I mean I know Jake is smart and all… But who knew he would catch on to how I was feeling. Joonas looked at me with a raised eyebrow…

“Oh... Come on in,” He stated as he backed away from the door with Jacob and let me step in. 

“Thanks for having up Joonas,” I said and sat down at the breakfast bar, which was to the right as soon as you walk in. It had dark counter tops and cherry colored cabinets. It was really a beautiful kitchen for an apartment.

“Oh… It was no problem Scar! I haven’t seen you two in a long time,” He replied as he sat Jake down on the counter and sat down on the stool next to me so he faced me.

He had a little smile on his face. Gosh… He looks a lot like Tuukka. They both have the same shaped nose and same shaped eyebrows. Wow, they may look alike but they both and totally different personalities. Tuukka is so loud and outgoing and funny… On the other hand Joonas is quiet and laid back.  And Joonas kinda reminds me of Carl. They both have those beautiful blue eyes and the smooth blonde hair.

“Yeah… This little guy,” I tickled Jakes stomach, “Really got excited when he found out he was going to see you.”

“Oh really,” He asked looking over at Jacob with a little smile on his face.

“Yeah!! I haven’t seen you since like,” He tapped his chin with his pointer finger, “forever ago!” 

Both Joonas and I chuckled at Jakes tone.

“Hey Joon-,” A guy came out of a room, “Oh! Hey guys!” The guy made his way over to the kitchen area to greet us.

“Oh! Guys this is my roommate Simon Moser! Simon this is Scarlett, my brothers friend, and her son, Jacob,” Joonas informed making little hand motions.

“Hey, nice to meet you,” Simon said coming up to me and shaking my hand.

“Nice to meet you too Simon!”  

“Hey there Jacob,” He greeted waving over at Jake… Jake scooted over by me and stuffed his head in my shoulder.

“Sorry… He’s a little shy,” I informed as I took Jake into my arms and hugged him close, kissing his forehead.

He chuckled and told me, “Oh that’s quite alright! I know I have a scary face.”

Joonas and I chuckled in return.

“Anyways,” He turned his attention over to Joonas, “Where did you put the detergent?”

“In the cabinet on the right all the way in the back,” Joonas replied making his adorable hand motions again.

“Alright! Thanks man,” Simon shouted over his shoulder as he walked back into the room he was in before.

“No prob!”

Joonas looked over at me with a certain look on his face, “So what brought you guys here?”

I looking down at the toddler in my arms and lifted him, putting him back on the counter. “Well,” I looked down, “I decided to take Jake with me to visit my sister and Sharpie.”

He gave me a look saying he didn’t believe me and said, “Oh that’s cool!”

I only nodded in response.


How'd you like this chapter? Hope you liked it! :) That Vid cracks me up!!! >>>>>

- JJ :D

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