Chapter 7

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*** Scarlett’s P.O.V ***

I picked up the sleeping toddler from the seat next to me and put him on hip. Then I made my way to the exit.

“Have a nice day Ma’am,” the flight attendant said as I stepped off the plane.

“You too,” I replied with a little smile.  

I soon walked into General Mitchell airport. And walked down a tunnel to the main area of the airport where I would meet my step sister. I looked around and then saw her long blonde hair.

I quickly walked up to her and greeted her, “Jolie, I missed you so much!”

“Scar! Jake! Oh my god I missed the two of you,” She screeched as she ran up to me and hugged me, waking little Jake up.

“Uhhh,” He mumbled opening one eye as he looked at her and then me.

“Awe! Jake you grew so much! How are you little man,” She asked as she pulled him into her arms.

“I’m good. How are you Aunt Jolie?”

“I’m great! Uncle Patrick can’t wait to see you,” She informed as her deep brown eyes looked into his blue ones.

“I Love Uncle Patrick,” He cheered as his eyes widened and he woke up a little.

“I know you do buddy… Now let’s go… We have a long drive to get to my house,” She informed as she bounced him on her hip a little.

“Ok,” He replied as he nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck.

“Alright let’s go,” She said and looked at me.

“How’s it been J,” I asked as I looked at her with a smile on my face.

“It’s been great… Why’d you come down here after the season started though? Is everything ok with you and Carl?”  

“I- Uhh he and I kinda hit a rough patch… I- we needed a break…”

“Ohh Scar! I’m sorry,” She informed as she wrapped her free arm around my shoulder.

“I-It’s fine… Thanks for letting Jake and I stay at house de la Sharpie!”

“It’s no prob Scar… Anything for a sister,” She replied as she unlocked her car and put Jake in the back seat.

“Did you get the 2 boxes that were sent to you,” I asked as I sat in the passenger’s seat.

“Sure did. I’ll take it that one’s yours and ones Jakes,” She asked as she sat in the driver’s seat.

“Yep… He and I left like 5 minutes before the end of the period. I didn’t feel like going back home to get the stuff so we left right from the game,” I informed.

“Ahh,” She replied as she pulled out and kept her eyes on the road, “Why’d you land in Wisconsin instead of directly in Chicago?”

“This was cheaper,” I replied, “And I didn’t have to put it on the card.”

“Ahhh the truth comes out! Did you not want Carl to find out,” She asked with her eye brows scrunched together as she kept her eyes on the road.

“I-I yeah… He’s probably just finding out that we left,” I replied with my head down.

“Oh Scar… He’s probably devastated. He- Scar… Does anyone know you left,” She asked as we crossed the state line.


“Scarlett Masey Söderberg… Call someone right now! They’re all probably worried sick! Have you even turned your phone on,” She scolded.

“No,” I mumbled as I dug my right hand into the pocket of my jeans.

“Check your phone… Everyone is probably worried about you and Jake,” Jolie told me as she slightly shook her head.

“Fine,” I replied and turned my phone on.

After a few seconds my phone began vibrating like there was no tomorrow. There were eight texts, four emails, fourteen missed calls and seven voicemails.

 I had:

 Two texts each from Adam, Ali, and Jen, one text from Lily

One email each from Patrice and Lily

And two from Brad

Two missed calls from each Ali and Adam

One missed call from each from Nichole, Patrice, Jen, Tuukka, Jamie and Brad

Four from Carl

And one voicemail from Adam, Nichole, Patrice, and Tuukka

Lastly three voicemails from Carl

I sighed and opened the texts from Nichole the first read; “Where did you and Jake go?” The second read; “Are you ok?”

 Next I went on to emails…

The subject of the first one from Brad was “Where the fuck are you”

I opened it and read it.  “Where are you Scar! We all miss you… Carl is having a hard time trying to contact you. He’s shutting himself off from the whole team. He’s freaking out man!”

The second one had the same subject but read; “Please come home.”

Then I went to voicemails. The first was Carl’s. “Scarlett where are you? Please come home… I- I need you and Jacob. I know we haven’t been on the same terms lately… But I still love you and want to fix our problems. I-I-I… Can you please call me so I know you’re ok… Just please.” He sounded so desperate. Now I feel bad… But we need our distance from each other.

The next voicemail was from Bergy. “Aye Scar… I uhh sent you an email. We’re all freaking out right now. Where are you? Nichole thinks something bad has happened to you. Can you please contact one of us… Whenever… Just please let us know that you and Jacob are alright,” He said before there was ruffling and then the voice of Krug, “Scar! Please come back! We all really miss you and want you and Jake to be ok.” Then Bergy spoke again, “We love you guys… Just please come home!” The line then went dead.   

Now I was feeling extremely guilty.

Then I went back to a text from Adam. It said “Please call me when you get a chance… I wasn’t make sure you’re safe… Just please.”

I sighed and looked for Krug’s contact in my phone. I pressed the call button and put the phone to my ear… Listening to the rings.

“Hello,” His sleepy voice came through my phone.

“I-I-I Hey Torey,” I stumbled on my words.

“Scar,” He sounded more awake.

“Hi Torey.”

“Where are you? Were all worried about you! Carl was freaking our earlier… Quaider is at your house now watching Carl to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid,” Torey rambled on and on.

“L-Listen… I’m sorry that I’ve caused this problem… I-I- Jake and I needed a break from Carl’s crazy life… A-and I’m sick of taking care of Jake… full time… I can’t do it all on my own,” I whispered as a stray tear left my right eye.

“Well Scar… If that’s what you think is right… Then I’m not going to stop you… You just better keep your promise of being back next month,” Torey scolded. I’ve never heard this straight forwardness in his voice before.

“O-Ok Torey… I-I’ll see you next month… Love you.”

“Love you too Scar.”

“See Scar... They’re just worried about you… They all really care about you,” Jolie told me as she pulled off the highway.

“Y-Yeah,” I whispered looking down and then back up at the road. Then I remembered I had Jacob with me… He was fast asleep in the back, which made me smile slightly.

“Ok… We’re here Scar,” Jolie informed as she pulled into a drive way, parking the car.

*** So How was your Christmas? What was the best thing you got? The best thin I got is a stick that Joonas Rask signed.... GO Ads... GO B's :) - JJ

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