Chapter 8

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“Hey Babe,” Carl said as he walked into the room in only some shorts.

“Hey,” I replied as I laid back, taking a deep breath.

“How are you feeling,” He asked as he sat down on the bed next to me.

“Ok… I just can’t wait till when the baby gets here… being pregnant can be kinda hard you know,” I informed as I looked up at him with my Brown eyes.

“I’m glad I’ll never have to know,” He joked as he leaned over and pecked my lips.

“What do you want to have,” I asked as I rubbed my hands up and down my eight and a half month belly.

Carl placed his large hands over mine and replied, “I want to have a girl… But I think it’s a boy.”

“Why do you want to have a girl,” I asked as he laid down and pulled me over to him so my head was on his chest.

“I don’t know… I guess I want a little princess,” He replied with a chuckle, causing his chest to vibrate.

“What would you name her,” I asked slightly looking up at him.

He looked down at me and smiled before saying, “Christine.”

“I Like that name,” I smiled and blinked slowly.

“What about you? What do you want,” he asked as he brought his left hand back to my belly.

“I’ve always wanted a boy,” I informed as I snuggled into his chest.

“Ohh… You’re the type that picks the names of their kids when they’re little,” He replied with a little chuckle.

“Nah… Now really! I’ve just liked this name forever,” I informed.

“Well whats the name,” He asked looking down at me with a little smirk.

“Jacob,” I replied with a big smile on my face.

“Well… If it’s a boy… That’s what we’ll name him,” Carl promised with his signature smirk.

“I like that,” I replied leaning up and kissing his lips.

“I love you and little Jacob… or Christine.”

“I love you too Carl!”   


“MOMMY! MOMMY,” Jacob yelled as he jumped on my bed, waking me up.

“What Jacob,” I groaned opening one eye, looking at the cheery little boy.

“Uncle Patrick wants to take me skating…. CAN I GO,” He yelled as he crawled up near my face.

“Sure… Do you want me to go too,” I asked sitting up and bringing him into my lap.

“No! David is going too,” He replied as he squirmed in my arms.

“Cool… I haven’t seen David in like seven years… So since he was like seven,” I informed and slowly got out of the bed, hoisting him up to place him on my right hip.

I then walked out into the hall and down the stairs, straight to the living room. Jolie was sitting next to Patrick drinking coffee and David was sitting in the recliner playing a game on his phone.

“Morning everyone,” I said cheerfully as I shuffled in with the toddler in my arms.

“Morning,” Jolie replied was she took a sip of her coffee.

“Hey,” Patrick said standing up and hugging me, “It’s been a while!”

“Yeah… About a year since you came to Boston,” I replied as I pulled away with Jacob still in my arms.

Then I put him down and turned to the anti-social 14 year old, who I hadn’t seen in a while.

“Get over here ya little rascal,” I said.

He looked up at me and put his phone down on the table and came over, hugging me tight.

“How are you David? I haven’t seen you in seven years! You’ve gotten older,” I mumbled.

“I missed you Aunt Scar,” He informed as he dug his head into my shoulder.

I bet you’re wondering who David is… well let’s just say Patrick planted a seed in my sister about 5 years early. They were like 15 and my sister got kicked out… That lead to the two of them getting married and to them moving here to Chicago for his job. The two of them are extremely happy… So I guess that’s good.    

“David… are you ready to go skating,” Jacob asked as the two of us pulled away from each other.

“I sure am bud! You good at skating,” David asked.

“A little! My daddy has taught me some stuff,” Jacob replied enthusiastically with a big goofy smile on his face.  

“That’s cool! When I was your age my daddy taught me tons of stuff,” David replied as he picked Jacob up in his arms, walking into the kitchen. That left us adults alone.

“I’m sorry that you and Carl are skating on a rough patch of ice,” Patrick offered as I sat down on the couch across from them.

“It’s just been stressful…”

“I can kick his ass next time we play them,” Sharpie told me with a little smile on his face.

“No…Don’t do that! I still love him… We… Just needed a break,” I replied as I looked down at my lap and fumbled with my hands.

The spot next to me sank and an arm was wrapped around my shoulder, “It’ll be ok Scar… Everything will work out in the long run… Aye you want to know something,” Sharpie asked in his usual bold voice.

“What,” I asked looking up and noticing that Jolie had left after the two boys, leaving Patrick and I alone.

“About two months after David was born she left David at my parents and I’s house thinking David would be better off with me… She claimed that it seemed like he loved me more… Jolie came back 2 days later, realizing she was wrong and he was only a baby… Who didn’t know what he was doing,” He told me, taking a long sigh after he was done.

I looked up at him surprised and responded, “Really? She doesn’t seem like the type to do that!”

“Yeah… Everyone gets to that point where they feel like they had too much responsibility… Hers came early… Yours came a little later in life… Everyone is different,” He told me in a calmed voice.

“Wow,” I whispered to myself as I looked back down at my hands.

“Yeah… Scar… You know it’s never too late to fix the mistake you made… Jacob is eventually going to be asking where his father is,” Patrick informed as he moved on the couch a little.    

I only put my face in my hands, and took a shaky breath.

“Call Carl… Maybe it could be good for you,” He whispered and stood up.

“But-,” I started.

“Think about it,” He yelled over his shoulder as he went into the kitchen.

Then I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out of my PJ pockets and looked at it.

It was a text from Carl; “Please come home.”

I sucked in a long breath; clicking on the call contact button. After four rings he answered frantically…

“Oh my god! Scarlett! Where are you? Are you and Jacob ok? Please come home! Babe, please! We gotta fix and talk about our issues… I-I-I love you! Scar? Please answer me… Just please,” He begged on the verge of breaking down. 


“Scarlett? Babe?”

“I-I-I gotta go,” I frantically said, overwhelmed.

“No Scar! Babe please don-,” I hung up.

*** DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD haha well that may have been the last update of 2013... I don't know yet! We'll see :D  Joonas Rask :'D "How about that side?" He's like a lost puppy :D So adorable Check out the Vid>>>>

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