Chapter 5

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“Hello,” Ali’s voice asked as she answered the phone.

“A-Ali… I-I-I… H-he’s having an a-affair,” I cried into the phone.

“What,” She asked in disbelief.

“H-He basically admitted it! I was confronting him and he couldn’t tell me why he was never around if it wasn’t his job,” I cried as I wiped my tears away from my face.

“Oh hun… Do you want to come over so we can talk about it,” She offered after taking a deep breath.

“I-I-I… Yeah. I’ll be over in like ten,” I informed as I hung up and got ready.   


“I’m leaving now! Jake be good for daddy,” I yelled as I opened the front door.

I quickly exited the house and made my way to the McQuaid household. It was about 22 degrees, pretty cold for mid-October. There was about half an inch of snow on the ground and flurries were flying through the air. As I was walking I saw a couple walking together hand and had down the side walk across the street. Looking down at my feet I shook my head that was Carl and I a few short years ago… Now that’s all thrown away and down the drain. Tears started rushing down my cheeks in disbelief.

By now I was about 2 houses away from the McQuaids. I quickly wiped my tears from my cheeks with my cold hands as I started walking up their driveway. When I got to their front door I rapidly knocked, hoping to get out of the cold weather.  

The door came swinging opened to reveal Ali’s sympathetic face. She pulled me into the house and motioned for me to go upstairs to the guest room where us girls always had our meetings. I kicked off my shoes and made my way over to the stairs and walked up them slowly looking at my feet. When I was at the top I went straight to the spare room and sat on the bed where Ali had some Ben and Jerry’s ice cream for us.

“Alright Hun… What exactly happened,” Ali asked as she came in and shut the door. She came and sat down next to me on the bed.

“Well… I was confronting him… And at the end I told him that even Marchand is around more than him. He kept telling me that was a lie. I pulled the fact out that it wasn’t his career if Marchand can be here more than him… He didn’t have an excuse why he isn’t around as much as he could be. A-And when I asked him if he was having an affair he didn’t answer me so I upped and went straight to our room, locking him out,” I informed as my tears resurfaced.  

“Awe Scar… I’m sorry. What about Jacob… Where is he,” Ali asked as she wrapped me up in a hug.

“He’s at home… Watching TV the last time I saw.”


“Knock Knock,” Adams deep voice rang through my ears as he knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Ali called as we pulled away.

Adam swung the door opened and walked in slowly. “Hey Scar… I came to see how you’re doing,” He informed giving me a sympathetic look.

“I-I’m ok,” I stated looking down at my lap.

“Come over here and give Adam a big bear hug,” He demanded as he opened his arms for me.

I looked at Ali and then got up from the bed. Once I wrapped my arms around him he wrapped his around me in return. He smelt of really nice cologne and mint. Tears started racing down my face. This was because Adam is much like Carl. They are both really nice, cool, and both have really nice smiles. Soon I pulled back and looked at Adam’s wet shirt.

“I-I’m sorry Adam,” I cried as I rubbed my eyes.

“It’s alright Scar… You’re like a sister to me. Brothers let their sisters cry on their shoulders… Well in this case chest,” He joked.

I giggled a little, “Love ya Quaider.”

“Love you too sis,” He replied as he sat down on the bed next to Ali wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

“What do you plan to do,” Ali asked, concern swimming in her eyes.

“I-I… I don’t know in all honesty,” I whispered my reply.

“Uhh Scar can I tell you something,” Adam asked looking at me with a serious look on his face.

I looked at him long and heard before nodding my head slowly.

“Carl wouldn’t have an affair. He’s practically addicted to you! He loves you AND Jacob so darn much. Carl just doesn’t seem like he would be the type to be dishonest to you. Maybe you should give him time to think,” Adam suggested looking over at me with a little, oh what’s the word? Hope? Yeah that’s the word! With a little hope in his voice.

“I-I don’t know… A-Adam. He’s hiding something and that’s for sure,” I replied as I looked down at my hands.

“Alright… I’m just putting it out there,” He informed standing up from the bed.

“Alright thanks Adam!”

“No prob Scar… and Remember I’m here for you,” He told me as he was about to leave.     

Ali looked at me, “Are you ready for ice cream?”

I gave her a look, “Fuck yes!”

*** The book trailer for this book is on the side!! >>>>>

- Thanks, JJ

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