"Steve, stop this game at instant! This isn't a fair game!", I orders. 

Steve startles a little, looking lost as he's too busy playing with his youngest but when he look at my pissed looks, he knows something happen. He try to speak out a word, but with the hard glare I'm sending to him, instantly shut him off. Sighing heavily, Steve nods and get up on his two feets with Peter in his arms, walking towards Couch Paul. Clint and Thor's footie couch. I just watch carefully the kids on the field, trying my best not to lose myself again like last time but something just tell me that people over here is just plainly fucked. 

"Daddy, is Thor gonna be alright?", ask Loki. 

His blue eyes are fill with unshed tears, which makes my heart breaks a little. I know how close Loki is to Thor and both boys loves each other so much that sometimes they'd do anything together. Loki, even once told me that he wanted to be like Thor, someday. Sure I'm happy to know that he make his older brother to be his idol, but it also hurts me how this would affect each other. Thor's pain affects on Loki's emotion. All I could ever responds to him is a nod and small smile on my face. I place soft kiss against his forehead, whispering him that his big brother will be alright. Those seems to make him feel much better, than before and I can't help to feel better inside too. Looking back to the field, I find Steve is currently talking with the opponent's couch and neither both of them looks happy about it. I frowns, but quickly get up and tell Natasha to watch over the stuffs here as I walk towards the three men. I could feel all attentions averts to me as I walk in front of the stadium towards the couches, before I join my husband's side. Couch Tanner begins to scoffs as he sees me here, joining them in whatever is happening here but I clears my throat before sending him such hard glare which instantly have the man to gulps a little. Couch Paul already give him those knowing looks, before shake his head. 

"Gentlemen. I'm sorry, but we need to call this game off. Your players aren't playing fair. They deliberately hurt my boy and block his brother from coming to help him! I thought this supposed to be fair, healthy game but it clearly isn't. You guys have so much hatred on us and have the nerves to place those into your players, telling them to hurt my kids! Before I set my foot into that field and teach your players a lesson, you better agree with me to put this game off. You've heard about me in the last game and you wouldn't want to have the media bombarding your life about how sucks you are in couching those kids, even influencing them doing shits that shouldn't been doing in this game.", my voice from all calm turns into hard, cold and stern. 

Peter never likes to see me in this, so he hide his face into Steve's neck to block the view of me. Couch Tanner looks at me completely taken back, speechless also not knowing what to do whilst Couch Paul already agrees with me. I mean, it's almost first-half but the most players from my boys' teams already being call out from the field 'cause they've been hurt in the field. Parents with kids from my boys' team practically shouts their agreements while the opponents shout their disagreements. Some even accuse me for having such weak kids. It snaps me off and I almost pounce on that person, but Steve already hold me down. He's the one whose glaring hard at the person, also shaking in anger. Peter feels the shakiness from his Papa, sitting up on his arms before whimpers a little as he sees how mad his Papa is. 

"You, Ma'am! You better watch your smelly mouth before I have my girl to teach you one. This isn't a fair game! Kids keep getting hurt in the field as the game goes on. How many more kids do we need them to get hurt just to let your boy's team win, huh?! This for god saken is a middle school footie game. Not some internation world cup footie game! Hello?! What are you chasing after?! A whole load of fame?! This kind of game wouldn't give you nor any of your boys in that team any benefits at all! It only teach how to keep more hatred and anger inside them, then lashes it out to someone's kids in the field with them. That's is called bully, too! Don't your school taught about fair game to you or you just plainly forgotten it all 'cause you're just jealous of something that you don't have, huh?! Now, this game is off! I'm not putting any other kids into that field with this kind of game and please, don't try to push my husband's button. You might regret it when you cross over it.", Steve tell. 

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