At six the doorbell rang and I opened the door to be faced with my parents.

"Mum! Dad! Come on in." I said and kissed my mums cheek before taking both of their jackets to hang up.

"Granny! Grandpa!" Harry shouted, running to greet them.

"Hello my little monkey. Have you been good for your Daddy and Papa?" Mum asked smiling.

"Yeah! Sure I have Daddy." He said and I nodded in agreement.

"He has. They all have. Let's go and sit down." I said as it was becoming a little crowded in the hallway.

"Zayn!" I shouted. "He's probably just finishing getting ready, he takes great pride in his appearance." I said with a chuckle.

"Daaaaad." I hear him groan as he enters the room.

"Zaynie! Oh my, you've grown since the last time I saw you." Mum says as she gives him a tight hug.

"Thanks Gran." He said and then smiled sheepishly at my dad.

"Zayn this is my Dad, your Grandpa Geoff." I said.

"I've heard so many things about you Zayn." Dad said and pulled Zayn into another bone crushing hug.

"Liam, I think Niall's up so- oh hi Karen, hi Geoff. I didn't even hear you guys come in." Louis said hugging my mum and dad.

"How are you Louis? You're looking great, got a bit of a glow about you." My mum said and Louis nodded.

"Liam and I have something to tell you two at the dinner table." He said and I nodded and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Speaking of which, the dinner is ready, I just need to go and get Niall so Li can you put the dinner out on some plates?" He said and I nodded.

"'Course babe." I smiled and he went to retrieve Niall.

I set everyone's plate down where they were sitting at the table and we waited for Niall and Louis to join us.

"So what's up with Niall?" Mum asked.

"He's just got a stomach bug, Harry had it yesterday," I said and she nodded.

Louis entered with Niall on his hip and then sat him down in front of a small bowl of soup.

"So what's the news you've got to tell us?" Karen asked while taking a bite of her chicken.

"Well Louis and I are engaged." I said as Louis showed the ring to the both of them.

"Oh my god! And you didn't think to call and tell us?" She exclaimed.

"We wanted to tell you both in person, and at the same time." I said and the rest of the dinner was filled with congratulations and my mum talking to Louis about wedding plans.

"Alright, we're going to head home now. It was lovely seeing you all again." Mum said and kissed Zayn's forehead who was snuggled into her side on the couch.

They hug the boys, with the exception of Niall who was put back to bed after throwing up the little bit of soup that he had for his dinner, and my dad slips them some money. He thinks I cant see it but I remember my grandfather used to do that for me.

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