Late Night Visitor (Her)

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I couldn't get Lindsey out of my mind. Never had I gone very long without thinking of him, or wondering if was thinking of me, but this was different. After I left his house that evening I couldn't get him out of my head. There was a shift between us and I knew that we had both grown from the past months experiences. Since returning to the tour, however, we hadn't had any time alone. One thing after another had kept both of us busy.

I unlocked the door to my suite, exhausted after a sound check, concert and going through a stack of paperwork with Karen. As I tossed my key card down on the entry way table, I noticed two documents that had clearly been couriered directly to my room and a blinking light on my answering machine. Rarely did information bypass Karen so I picked up the first envelope and opened it. Lindsey's wild scribble met my eyes.


Looked for you to no avail, wanted to let you know- Kate won. Full custody! Im in room 1417. Call me.


My smile grew infinitely. What a relief. She had those sweet babies and they couldn't be taken away from her. I'd give her a call this evening. I tore into the next envelope, significantly larger in size and my smile faded. Brian had returned the signed divorced papers.

There was a part of me that was relieved, I supposed. I was avoiding a drawn out argument or a long battle over who got what in the settlement, and for that I was grateful but still- this was really the end. All that was left was my signature next to his.

I sighed and placed the decree back down, pinching the bridge of my nose, wandering into the bathroom to take a steaming hot shower. I stepped in and cleared my mind as the water hit my back. The longer I stood there, the more I realized where I wanted to go. I was always naturally drawn to Lindsey. I had the overwhelming desire to run to him in times of sadness, stress of joy. But our interactions the last few months had made it clear to me that I wanted more than that- I wanted to try again. My love for him had never faltered, but now I knew that we could make it. This time, it would all work out for us.

I stepped out of the shower and toweled my hair dry, letting it dry in waves. I applied some moisturizer to my skin and threw on a black nightgown and matching robe. I picked up the phone and dialed Kate's number, still working some lotion into my hands. Her line rang repeatedly and I left a message when the machine picked up. I suppose she wasn't home.

I sighed and picked up Brian's envelope again. I leafed through the papers and found a pen, clicking it open, and signed without hesitation. I jotted a quick note to have Karen finalize the documents with the court. And now that I had that handled, I knew exactly where I wanted to go. I called the front desk and had them send a key to Lindsey's up to my room.

I stepped quickly across the hall, letting myself in quietly. I knew he'd be asleep at this time of night but I just couldn't wait to be near him. Making my way through the dark I could hear him snoring in the bedroom. I cracked the door and although I was surprised at the scene I front of me, I couldn't help but to smile. Sprawled out in Lindsey's bed was Pierce. He lay sleeping soundly, his arms spread in a very similar fashion to Lindsey's, extended above his head. I smirked a bit, closing my robe a bit tighter. Lindsey stirred a bit, propping himself up on his elbows.

"Steph?" He questioned, squinting at me through the dark.

"Shhh," I whispered, "don't wake him."

"What are you doing here," he whispered, getting up and leading me out to the sitting area.

"I, um, I wanted to talk to you," I told him. "When did Kate and the kids get here?"

"A few hours ago," he yawned. "We left you a message."

I had forgotten to check that message. "I'm sorry I wish I would have been here to greet them."

He wrapped his arms around me, and I could hear him inhale deeply, smelling my hair. "What's going on, Stevie? Something wrong?"

I sighed. "I just wanted to talk to you."

He held me for another minute before letting go and re-entering his bedroom and scooping up Pierce.

"Let's lay you down with Mama and Livi, okay buddy," he whispered.

"Gigi?" His tiny voiced questioned as his head lay on Lindsey's shoulder.

"Hi there, handsome boy," I greeted him, "gently rubbing his back and kissing his forehead. "Go back to sleep, I'll see you in the morning."

Lindsey returned from the other room quickly, and ushered me back into his bedroom, turning on a lamp before laying down. I'd be lying to say I wasn't staring at every inch of his body- which was incredible. He patted the spot on the bed next to him, inviting me to sit down. I did and he rest his hand precariously high on my leg, moving his thumb into gentle circles.

"I'm glad you came by, Steph. I was beginning to think I'd scared you away."

I laughed. "Never, Linds, never. But there's something I want to talk to you about..."

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