Epilogue Part III

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The afternoon waned on; Levi stacked some coolers outside with my father full of ice while Elliot and Evan started to fill buckets with water and set them around a big palleted area that Derek had set up some outdoor lamps around. The boys eventually took a nap cuddled up next to me while Ethan kept working on getting everything ready for them; my beast was anxious–itching for them, for her pups.

She knew they would do it–she knew they were strong, but it was a long painful process that neither of us were going to enjoy. Almost like childbirth all over again.

Lizzie came over later while the kids were still out; Levi eventually came in to take a break and ended up napping with Caroline on his chest. Lizzie was going to watch Caroline while the boys shifted. I tried to see if Cade wanted to go to Evan's, but he wasn't leaving his brothers. He begged Ethan and I to stay, and Ethan let him. He said he and Evan were the same with Eli, that and it would be good for Cade to see what he was in for in a few years.

The day continued on. Ethan had the boys go out and chop some wood while Derek and I made dinner. A dinner that neither of the boys had an appetite for, but we made them eat it anyways. After they showered off and ate, they came back downstairs while Levi, my mother, and I kept the boys preoccupied while Lizzie took Caroline upstairs to play as the night drifted on. It drifted on and soon we were all drifting in and out of sleep again, a sleep I was thankful for–my boys needed it. They needed all the rest they could get.

I was dozing in and out of sleep. Charlie was laying on a pillow that was in my lap while Chris laid with his head on my shoulder. Cade was cuddled up next to my mother as Levi snored away with Caroline on his chest. Chris stirred in his sleep, his brows furrowed before he kicked off the blanket that was over him.

My beast stilled. It could be anything. He could have legitimately been hot, but I had a feeling he wasn't just hot from the blanket.

Looking over at my phone that was laying on the coffee table, it was close to nine–close to their time. Charlie stirred next, he scratched at the back of his neck in his sleep then pulled the blanket that Eve had laid over him off.

I sighed and eyed my boys. Chris was stirring more and eventually his eyes fluttered open. "It's hot mom."

My hands touched his face as Charlie slowly woke up. He was warm. He was warmer than usual. "Charlie?"

"Annoyed with how hot it is," he groaned while my hands moved to his face. Levi stirred awake, his silver eyes meeting mine in a moment of recognition.

"Boys," Levi said, turning their attention toward him. "Boys it's time. It's the fever."

Charlie sucked in a breath. I kissed him and Chris on their heads again then stood up and eyed them. "Come on boys, it's only going to get hotter."

"Ethan they're getting hot."

"Should we go outside?" Chris asked.

I nodded. "Your father has ice and water out there. It will help."

"Bring them out here. How hot are they?"

"Feverish, nothing unbearable yet."

"Ok," he sighed out. "Are you ok?"

"Anxious, you?"


The boys pulled off their shirts then followed me outside with Levi behind us. Dominic was waiting with a soft smile. He hugged both the boys then bent down a little so he could look them in the eyes. "You two are going to do just fine, alright? Just push through, and remember the first one that shifts gets a hundred bucks."

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