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•°•KORTEZ *aka* TEZ•°•

After talking to Rock and Cy about Tod, I put in a few hours of work and decided to Go to Brook's crib. I had a lot of shit on my mind and I needed somebody to talk too.

   I walked out of the trap and went to my 2013 white Challenger with the black and white rims, and sun roof. I started the car and made my way to Brook's crib.

I pulled up in the driveway and cut the car off, walking up to her door.

   I did my signature knock and waited. Patience answered wearing some tight boy shorts that hugged her big ass and a tank top that made her breasts pop out with her hair wet, going down her back.

"Hey you. " She stepped aside and let me walk in.

"You just got out of the shower huh? " I closed the door behind me

"Yup, what are you doing here? Thought you were working at the trap? " She asked as we walked up the stairs to her room.

"Just left from there...I needed somebody to talk too, to much shit is going on." I sighed as she flopped on her fluffy king sized bed. I took my shoes and jacket off and got on the bed, laying my head in her lap.

"Like what boo? " She asked playing in my curls. Damn Brook. She know that shit turn me on... Even though we've never had sex before...

"We found out who raped Justyn... "

"Who?! " She stopped playing in my hair.

"Tod. " I said. She reached under her pillow and pulled out a pistol.

"I'ma kill him. " She was about to get up but a snatched the gun from her.

"No you're not, Me, Cy and Rocky are going out to look for him tomorrow morning. " I tucked the gun back under her pillow, She sighed.

"She had all this time to tell we don't even know where the fuck he is. " Brook said. I could tell she was pissed off. I had nothing to say.

After a little bit of comfortable silence, Brook started to play with my curls again.

"....I've known Tod since I was in the 5th grade . I'd never thought in a million years that he'd do something like this...He was my best friend, back then, he was the only person I ever trusted. With my moms always being gone and shit, he was the only person who could actually keep me sane yah know...I was the quiet nigga who everybody thought was weird but they ain't what was going on back at home...One day, some niggas come up to me, of course I wasn't scared shit I was ready for whatever. The first bold nigga punches me then next thing I know, I'm getting jumped. Out of know where, this tall ass nigga pushes two them off of me and starts beating the other one's ass while I've got one in a headlock....Since then, me and Tod were best friebds.....You know, it's funny, how people can change in a blink of an eye...That's how Tod was.... One minute, we're chilling in the trap, next, He's popping up every once in a while, then, He's fighting Rocky, the nigga whose had his back for years... " It felt good to talk Patience... In my eyes, she was just the girl version of me. Easy to talk to, Good ass listener, Shoot first ask questions later but also impati, and most of all, Sexy as fuck(;

"Yeah, I know babe. Sometimes it's the people you think you know that turns on you in a heart beat. " She kissed my cheek.

"Seems that way... But I hope it's not like that for everybody. Now that, I wouldn't be able to take. " When she realized I was talking about her, she  looked down at me into my eyes with her Gray ones.

"You don't have to worry about that with me Kortez. " She said. I reached up and caught her lips before she could pull back. The kiss deepened, I got up off her lap and pulled her on top of me, we were now chest to chest.

   I bit down on her bottom lip, she opened up with no hesitation, letting me slide my tongue in her mouth.

   Brook pulled away and started to raise her shirt, but that's where I stopped her.

"No, Brook...You're not fully ready... I can see it in your eyes. " I told her. I knew that she was afraid I would do the same her ex did to her after they had sex even though she didn't want to admit it...I wasn't gonna, influence, Push, or Force her too do anything she didn't want to...Hell, no matter how much I wanted it.

    She sighed. I took my shirt off and pulled the both of us under the covers after turning the lamp off.

   She laid her head on my bare chest, raising and falling as my chest did so.

  I just stared at the ceiling,  thinking about all of the people that had ever turned on me at some point in my life. My father was a fucking dead beat who hot my moms hooked to heroin then left like it was nothing. My moms would only be home maybe 2 days in a week at the most, basically leaving me to fend for myself while she hoed around for money.

  That's why I was so attached to my hood, to the game, to the gang. Besides Tod, it was all I knew at only 13....all I had.

    I listened to Brook's soft snores, easing my stress and heavy mind. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over my tiring body.

~A little While before~


I could here Mama and Daddy yelling at each other from their room as I was watching cartoons.

   Earlier, I'd found Mama crying in her bed, I asked her what was wrong, all that she told me was that I was having a little brother or sister. I was happy but realized she wasn't and asked why, she said I wouldn't understand.

    I hated when they did that. I may be 5- 6 in a few weeks, but I wasn't stupid. I knew when something was wrong.

   The yelling was becoming louder than my tv, I breathed in and out and turned the TV off, getting up.

   I walked down the stairs and to the garage where my blue and red bike was. I was told never to go out by myself but I was getting bored plus I hated when Mama and Daddy fought. I didn't feel like hearing it.

    I put my helmet on my head and buckled the thing around my head before getting on my bike.

  I pushed down on the pedals and rode out of the already open garage.

   It was pretty hard to handle because I had just learned how to ride with out training wheels. Daddy had taught me after Mama was out of the hospital place.

   I pushed down on the pedals while riding along the side walk. It was quiet out, The sun was going down so it was orange looking in the sky.

   A black truck pulled up next to me, I paid it no mind.

"Hey Lil'J. " I looked over at uncle Tod in the truck, he was smiling at me. I hadn't seen him since him and Daddy fought in the hospital.

"Wassup Unc. " I waved at him. There were three other men in the back seat with sun glasses over their eyes.

"You wanna go get some ice cream? " He asked. I thought about it. Wouldn't Mama and Daddy be mad? They would be mad I left anyway...

"It's okay, I wanna just ride my bike. " I shrugged.

"Awe C'mon Justin, I miss hangin with my buddy. " He said. It's just uncle Tod, Mama wouldn't care.

"Okay. " I said. He got out Ann's put my bike in the trunk. I opened the door and got in the front seat.






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