2 Years in Italy - Parts 1-3

Start from the beginning

I heard someone shouting in Italian and looked over to see what I assumed to be the ground keeper running at us waving his arms, gesturing for us to stop.

I looked at Dez and grinned as he shoved the buggy into gear and took off across the grass towards the school. I let out a whop as wind whipped my hair around head. Dez just laughed and yanked the wheel causing the buggy to spin in a circle, ripping at the manicured grass. I groaned, I was going to be in so much trouble, and I hadn't even started yet. I heard the sounds of an approaching vehicle and looked behind us to see the groundskeeper chasing us, his bald head shiny with sweat and his pudgy face red with rage.

I let out a strangled laugh. "Go go go" I urged Dez. He stomped on the gas again and we took off. We headed for the main entrance. The grounds keeper's shouts had caught someone's attention and there was a crowd standing on the steps looking down at us in interest. Dez pulled to a stop in front of the steps, jammed on the hand brake, grabbed my hand and dragged me up the steps just as the ground keeper pulled to a stop.

"Stop! Stop them!" He called in a strong Italian accent. A few people looked at us uncertainly but the majority were too busy laughing to take any notice of his instructions. We raced up the steps, through the entrance hall and bolted through an unlocked door down the first corridor we came to.

Slamming the door shut we turned around and slid to the ground, holding our stomaches and trying not to laugh out loud. I looked up to see where we were and stopped dead. In front of me was a Greek god. His dark skin and messy black hair framed bright blue eyes, sparkling with interest and annoyance. I poked Dez who was still too busy laughing to notice we weren't alone.

Dez looked at me, "What?"

I pointed to the guy standing in front of us, his shirt discarded on a nearby desk and a blonde cowering behind him, struggling to do her bra up and put her top back on.

Dez met my eyes again and we burst out laughing again, we couldn't help it. We struggled to stand up and retreat through the door back into the hallway still holding our crapping stomaches. We finally made it back out the door, tears streaming down our cheeks only to be met with a furious looking grounds keeper and a strict looking lady who I had a sinking feeling was the head mistress.

"Oops" whispered Dez.

I couldn't help myself. I cracked up laughing again, doubled up and leaning on Dez who was doing his best to keep a straight face, and failing.

And that was my initiation to DeCasio's School for Individual Talent and Excellence.

In my first ten minutes I successfully managed to earn a month's worth of detention, walk in on two people about to go at it, steel a golf buggy and became more known than half the people who have been going here for the last 3 years.

I t was going to be an interesting two years.

Chapter 2

Ok, so as you may know, my arrival at DeCasio's wasn't exactly what my mother would call smooth sailing.

I flopped back on my new queen sized bed in my dorm room and stared at the ceiling thinking over the events of the last 2 hours. Following a meeting with the headmistress Mrs Antello, I had said good-bye to my family. Saying goodbye to Dillon had been a happy experience, saying goodbye to my parents had been upsetting, but saying goodbye to Dez had been practically heartbreaking.

I rolled over and looked at the framed photo on my bedside table. In the picture Dez was piggybacking me up the beach towards the photographer. Behind us the sky was a vibrant blue colour, we were both laughing, our skin glistening with water drops, He was looking up and me and I was looking down at him. Anyone who didn't know us would think we were a couple, but it wasn't like that with us. We had been best friends since pre-school, and had just always acted like family.

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