Chapter 11

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Garrus jumped up and looked around the unfamiliar surroundings. The ground under his was cushioned, but he didn't have a bed, he only had a cot.

It took him a while to realize it, but this was Shepard's cabin and she was nowhere to be found. He didn't even remember how he ended up here, or anything from the night before at that. All he could partially remember was the game of poker, then after that it was all a blur.

The sound of running water drew his attention to the bathroom, she had to be in there. The faucet squeaked as she turned it off. He was nervous about facing her.

How did he end up in her cabin anyways? What did they do together the night before? And Spirits where were his clothes.

He began to hear the soft patter of her feet against the floor. She'd be here any moment, and he wasn't prepared to face her. He just hoped that want he was thinking happened last night really didn't.

A faint pink towel was wrapped around her torso, another placed over her head. The towel barely covered her ass, every step she took he could see more and more of it.

Then she just looked at him. Their eyes locked while they were in complete and utter silence. She let go of the towel around her torso and it fell to the floor.

He didn't exactly know what was going on or why she did that so suddenly, but she began to climb on top of him and kiss every inch of him that she could get her lips on.

"Shepard about last night?" he was trying to refrain from stuttering as much as possible,"What did we do."

"What didn't we do, Garrus? You had so much stamina and we did it just about everywhere. By the time I called it quits you pushed another five rounds out of me!" she sounded so enthusiastic about it, but he didn't remember any of it. Sadly.

"So um….about my clothes?"

She pointed to the corner in her room where his and her clothes sat in a pile. She looked back at him and his mandibles were fluttering hard.

"Where did we us know, do it first?"

"The elevator!" she giggled lightly,"Then after that you would just pick me up and slam me down in what ever position you wanted me, some of which I didn't even know existed. You did me so hard I could barely walk, and my legs still feel kinda numb now,"

Spirits! His first night with the woman he loves and he takes her in a elevator! How dumb could he be! She appeared to have enjoyed it, but he at least wanted one memory of what he did to her. What he said to her!

He looked down at her naked body. She was bruised in a few places. He knew that that was entirely his fault. She said that he slammed her down where ever he pleased, he supposed that she was speaking in a literal since.

"Like what you see, Garrus?"

He was jolted away from his toughts by Shepard, who was still being strangely seductive,"Well considering that I don't even remember what we did last night…."

"It's just a part of the hangover, you'll remember soon enough,"

"I think I should go grab a bite to eat, this headache is killing me," he groaned out.

"Aw so soon? Can't we at least go for round…" she drifted off into thought for a moment,"I don't even remember what round were on. I lost count after 16,"

He stumbled down to the crews quarters. Even from his distance he could hear the groaning and complaining of people with hangovers. And since everyone is was at the Party the night before, he knew that this was only the half of it.

"Good morning, Officer Vakarian," EDI chimed.

"You must be so lucky that you can't get drunk,"

"Well yes, when you organics are in this weakened state it is the perfect opportunity to take over and rule you all,"

He just stared at the blue hologram thing for a moment. Not exactly knowing how to respond to it.

"That was a joke,"

"Sure it was," he shuffled his feet and sat across from Thane who was lying on the table. He poked him a couple times, but with no response.

"Don't worry, he's not dead," Jack spoke up,"But I'm not so sure about Miranda."

She was sprawled out on the floor in a very unpleasant position. If there was one thing about Miranda that needed to be mentioned, it was that she couldn't hold her liquor.

"I do not believe my body was made to ingest that much alcohol," Thane sputtered.

Looking back on it, he did break out of his shell after Kasumi continued to pour him drink after drink. Thane didn't even seem like the type of person to get drunk, he was always talking about spiritual shit so he constantly seemed uptight.

"Alright Joker hold all missions off until tomorrow, we need it," Shepard strode into the mess hall and sat next to Garrus. He didn't even notice that Joker was under the table.

She wasn't paying him any attention. She was just staring at Thane. Who still wasn't moving.

"Don't worry he's not dead, Miranda is though,"

She looked back at Miranda and giggled,"Not so perfect after all,"

Jack broke into a fit of laughter, regretting that instantly after she got another splitting headache.

"Let's all agree to never take an idea from Kasumi again," Shepard said.

"Agreed," everyone called.

"I don't know what I did! I was just trying to have a little fun," she uncloaked herself and shrugged.

"Your definition of fun nearly killed me," Thane moaned out.

She crouched down next to Garrus and began to whisper,"Also I maybe kinda sorta recorded you and Shepard last night. Very entertaining, kept me up for the rest of the night trying to rewatch it,"

"Kasumi, let me have a copy,"

"Wait seriously, you're not gonna make me delete it?"

He shook his head,"No, just give me a copy."

She nodded and brought up her omni-tool, clicking a couple buttons and putting it back down.

"There you go, enjoy. Also about thirty minutes in is where it gets really interesting," she waved her hand and cloaked herself again.

Oblivious(ShepardxGarrus)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu