Chapter 1

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"I always like to savor the last shot before popping the heat sink," he groaned when he looked at the smug look on her face,"Oh that just took a horrible turn."

Shepard giggled like a schoolgirl at the slight unintentional joke. Her naturally pink lips curved up and pressed together. He absolutely adored lips. Turians didn't have them, so he found them to be so extremely fascinating. He didn't know what the felt like, but from the looks of how flexible they were, he believed that they were squishy.

"I'll catch you later, Garrus," She said with a slight chuckle, walking out of the Main Battery and leaving him alone with his thoughts.

It was Friday. They were docked on Omega, prepared to leave. Every Friday night he went up to Shepard's quarters to watch a movie with her. It was something they did on the SR-1 and something they continued to do on the new SR-2.

He looked over at his cot. Under that thin white sheet was a bouquet of roses. Five roses to be exact. He'd learned from a human romance website that giving someone five roses was a way to say 'I love you very much'.

They were specifically pink, he'd also learned from that website that pink was a primarily feminine color.

He just hoped Shepard would understand. Him and her had been friends for a very long time. Just friends. He wanted more. He'd heard of something in human culture called the 'friend zone'. It was apparently the worst and hardest part of a relationship. If he could successfully get away from that title then him and Shepard would finally be together.

But…..Shepard is what you might call….oblivious. Being a spectre he supposed she never had time for love, but she wouldn't know that somebody loved her unless they walked up to her, slapped her across the cheek, and yelled it as loud as physically possible at her. Hopefully he wouldn't have to do that to her. Hopefully.

He sighed and went to get something to eat while he waited. Not because he was hungry, but because he was nervous. Calibrations weren't keeping him busy for some strange reason, so food was the next best thing.

He sat across from Tali, who was sipping a dextro drink through her 'emergency induction port'. Nobody dared tell her that it was just a straw though, just letting her believe what she wanted made her so much happier.

"So, what are you doing today," Her robotic sounding voice suddenly chimed through his ears when he sat down and started to eat.

"I'm going to Shepard's Quarters,"

She gasped and looked back at Jack who was eating some sort of Earth sandwich and telling filthy, filthy jokes to the crew members.

"Jack, I was right! You owe me fifty credits!"

Garrus's mandibles began to flutter. What did they bet on? Was it something about him and Shepard?

Jack walked over to him and put her tiny hand on his shoulder. She bent over to look him in the eye, her face in a perverted smile.

"Finally getting some ass, huh?"

His mandibles fluttered even harder and Jack was brought into a fit of laughter. Tali sighed and continued the conversation with Garrus, ignoring her presence all together.

"I've been saying that you and Shepard would get together soon enough, just because of the connection you have," She proceeded to look at Jack, who was still rolling on the floor laughing,"But this Bosh'tet, said that you didn't have the balls,"

"W-well we're not together. We're just continuing an old tradition we used to do on the original Normandy," he looked away for a moment,"But I can't deny my feelings for her,"

"Well I wish the best of luck in your relationship. Keelah sa'lai,"

He stood outside the door to her Quarters. Flowers behind his back and in his casuals rather than his armor.

He typed in the code and walked in. But she wasn't there. He heard noises if rushing water coming from the bathroom and realization hit him.

"Shepard," he called out, just so she could know he was there.

"Just one moment Garrus! I'll be out in a sec," Her voice echoed as it bounced off the bathroom walls.

He sat down on the couch. Her room was so nice, and her bed was huge, almost big enough to fit two people.

He shook his head at the thought. Even if she didn't shoot him down at the first sign of a relationship, he highly doubted that they would just jump straight into sex. No matter how bad her really really wanted to.

She opened the door to the bathroom and walked out with the towel still wrapped around her head. She was rubbing it furiously, trying to get it as dry as physically possible.

When she pulled the towel off, her bright red hair flopped out and clung to her face from the moisture.

She wasn't wearing her usual casual attire. Instead it was a grey tank top and skin tight yoga pants.

She looked down at his talons and chuckled slightly.

"What's up with flowers?" She asked while bending over to look at them,"Got a date that I don't know about?"

He shook his head and reached them out to her. She was surprised for a moment, but took them with a smile.

She held them up to her nose and sniffed them slightly, sighing out in pleasure from the sweet aroma.

"Good God it's been two forevers since I've seen real roses, where did you get them?"

"I had them specially shipped here, for you, Jane,"

She smiled and held the roses closer to her chest. She liked them, that was a start to something. Now he just needed to continue from there. Hopefully, she would see where he wanted things to go.

She plopped down on the couch next to him after settings her flowers in a vase on her desk. He slowly inched his talons closer to her warm body to drape his arms around his her shoulders,but he didn't have to. She tilted herself to the side and placed her head on his chest.

"I hope you don't mind if I sit like this," she sighed out softly.

"Not at all,"

He placed one of his talons on her lower back and rubbed soothing circles. She began to sigh out more.

"God that feels nice, Garrus," her eyes never once leaving the screen.

Spirits, he was so caught up in looking at Shepard that he barely paid a lick of attention to the vid. But he didn't mind in the very least, looking at her beautiful face surpassed the idea of watching a movie.

He placed his talon of the back of her head. She jumped in surprise, but didn't make him move. He stroked her hair. Like he'd always wanted to. It was softer than he expected, a silky texture that he could get used to. And the vibrant color was appealing, crimson red, the same color of human blood.

When the vid was over, she stood and stretched. Her beautiful back arching. Her finally dry hair now being so frizzy and all over the place.

"I suppose it's time for me to take my leave,"

She nodded,"Yeah thanks for watching the movie with me tonight, you're an awesome friend,"

At that moment his entire world shattered. He'd called her his friend. Just his friend. It wouldn't have hurt as much if he didn't know about his feelings for her. But he did and she didn't, so they were just friends until he could confess.

This was going to be a while.

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