Start from the beginning

"Don't worry about him. Wow, good thing we brought him over, huh?"

"No shit. I'll get the rifles right now."

"Rifles?" Carey cried. He'd stopped his humping and pushed himself up so he could look at me. "What the fuck?"

I told him what happened, pushing at him to get him off of me. "C'mon. Let's go. I gotta get those arms in case the bear comes down here."

He grudgingly pushed himself to his feet, then grabbed my wrist to help pull me up.

"For cryin' out loud," he groaned. "I finally get in a hot clinch with you and a fucking bear comes along to break it up?"

I looked at the burgers and figured they'd be okay, then grabbed Carey's hand and pulled him along with me. I kissed him on the cheek and wrapped my arm around his shoulders, feeling sorry for him. All he wanted was to be with me, and that was so sweet. But it sure kept getting messed up.

"We'll have plenty of time for that later," I said. "I promise a clinch you'll never forget. And the brogasm of your life."

The rifles were in the house, kept loaded in case of just such an emergency. Bear weren't really much of a problem, but they did come down from the hills now and then scavenging. They were most often seen at houses on the city limits, like here at Uncle Ted's, but sometimes they'd wander right into the heart of town. Living in Appalachia did have its little drawbacks. The real problem was that the bear were so smart nowadays because people baited them to take videos. They could even figure out how to get into the houses. I'd have to keep the doors locked for the next few days.

It was weirdly quiet in the house when my uncle was away. One of the reasons I had started staying in the studio apartment during the warm weather months. The big old house always seemed lonely when he was gone, which was most of the time since he started working sales on the road a few years ago. We had to go through several of the rooms to get to the den, and Carey was gaping at all the period furnishings.

"I always wondered why it looks like really old people live here," Carey said. "Like a couple of great-grandmas. Everything's so old-fashioned."

"My uncle's a Victorian freak," I explained. "He renovated the house back to its original condition and furnished it like it would've been decorated in the 1880s."

"Cripe." Carey made a face. "There's gotta be a ghost in this house somewhere with all this stuff from the past."

I laughed at him. "No ghosts, dude. Just a boring old house where nothing much happens. There's been more excitement here in the last two days than in the previous ten years I've been living here."

We got the two rifles from the rack on the wall and hurried back outside. Jason and Corey were just then running out of the woods. It looked like they still had the bear chasing after them.

"Jeez, Johnny," Jason shouted.

"Carey! I thought we were gonna get killed," Corey cried.

They were all riled up and couldn't tell us fast enough all about it. Carey had to take his brother in his arms and comfort him, the boy was so shook up. Jason wasn't quite that moved. After all,  he was a hunter and had experience dealing with bears, but I knew it had gotten to him too. He sat down at the picnic table and checked the rifles. I knew how to use the firearms but didn't particularly like to, and seldom did.

I flipped the burgers then gave Jason and Corey each one of the tank tops I'd brought down.

"Time to cover it all up, boys," I told them. "Sex Ed has been postponed till later."

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