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Percy's POV:

As we walked over the crest of the hill Chris, who just so happened to be on watch, blew the signal horn and all twenty-seven of the year round campers came running.

"Hey Chris!" Thalia said giving him a wave.

"Hey Thalia, Nico... and I think I forgot someone..."

"Oh stop being such a εξυπνάκιας!"

(smart ass)

"Hello Percy! There is no reason to insult me. Especially in Greek." Chris said.

"It's good to see you too. How's camp been without me?"

"Yeah. We get by. But there is no one who we can play a prank on except for you." By then everyone was assembled around the porch of the big house.

"Hello everyone! It's good to see you. Now us three, Me, Nico and Thalia, will be staying tonight and leaving after lunch tomorrow so I say lets have a game of capture the flag! You have until tonight to make alliances. Ares and Athena will lead the teams like usual." When I finished speaking everyone roared in approval.

I thought I saw something flicker in the light over Half-Blood hill. But when I looked again there was nothing.

Must have been a trick of the light or Peleus moving his head.


That night after dinner the teams broke up. It was Athena, Poseidon, Zeus, Hermes, Apollo, Dionyus and Dementer on the Blue Team.

While everyone else was on Red Team. Both teams were evenly matched but I didn't think that it would be a problem. After all, Athena ALWAYS has a plan.

"Ok. Thalia and Percy will lead the attack with half of Hermes, all of Dionyus and half of Dementer. The rest of us will be defending. I want Apollo in high up places, Athena down on border patrol, the rest of Hermes and Dementer spread through the Forrest on our side." Malcolm looked everyone in the eye. "Ok. Lets split!"

Everyone broke up. Me and Thals decided our group into two smaller groups then I halved mine once more. "So here's the plan. I will send one group of Attackers up as a distraction. That will be you guys." I pointed to one of my smaller groups. "You will be heading up towards the flag but you will be wreaking as much havoc and chaos as possible. If your caught, don't. Under any circumstances give away our plan."

I turned toward Thalias group. You will be heading up the right flank. I want chaos and peace that way they won't suspect our smaller group a little more to the left of these guys." I motioned to my first group. "Dose anyone have any questions?"

One kid put their hand up. "Why doesn't a group go down the middle?"

"Because." Thals jumped in before me. "That's what the other team will be expecting. Anything else? No? Great, lets go!" We walked out of the pavilion as I one big group but quickly divided into our smaller groups.

The horn blew signalling the start of the game. Thalia's group and my first group set off. I was too go with the first one.

Three minutes later I left with my group. I could hear the other group a little to our left. They were yelling, slashing and in general causing as much chaos as possible. I was proud of them.

A few time we had too stop and hide from reds that were heading towards the commotion but we soon reached the clearing where they kept the flag.

"Ok. John, Katie, Bett take one or two campers each and come in from separate angles around this side. You will be covering my retreat." I moved around to the back. The rest of the group that hadn't been picked went left and right to cause chaos and panic all around. I saw my group emerge from the forrest cover.

The campers garding the flag turned all of their attention onto the intruders. I snuck in from the back. Grabbed the flag and ran all the way around the clearing keeping under the tree cover the whole time. When I was around behind them I hooted like an owl. That was our signal

Four of them stepped forward while the rest melted back into the shadows before coming to my side. We charged down the middle as quietly as possible. When we came close to the boundary line Salii hooted like an owl. She did the most realistic of us all but it worked.

Or at least it was until Clarrise came out of nowhere. "Oh come on!" I yelled. I passed the flag to Chris who was on my team. "Go."

I turned back to Clarrise. I quickly knocked the electric spear out of her hand and kicked it away into the forrest.

"That is low Prissy. Even for you." She muttered. "Fine. If that's how it is." She pulled a sword out of her belt.

One look at it and I could tell it was from her dad, Ares, the war god. "New toy from daddy?" I mocked.

"Yeah. And it's high grade Celestial Bronze. With the blessing of Ares!" She smirked at me. I had fought Ares before. This couldn't be much different.

I used the disarming move I had first been taught. I stepped inside her gard. I placed the flat of my sword on the hilt of her sword and twisted until she was forced to drop it.

Just then the horn blew signalling the end of the game. I thought we had won.

It turns out someone was a double agent. They stopped our team from crossing the river and instead let red get theirs across.

"Right! Who was the double agent?" I addressed the group. "You know that the team your councillor has chosen is your team. Being a double agent is not tolerated."

"Umm. Percy? No one but those crossing were there. And their all knocked out." Nico grinned sheepishly at me.

"Great. When they wake up we ask them. How did you go Thals?"

"Yeah. Half my group was captured. The other half retreated."

"Ok, Camp! Campfire then bed. Lets go!"

Apollo cabin led the sing-a-long as usual and s'mores were eaten in large amounts.

At the end of the sing-along I stood and addressed the camp. "I will be looking into this double agent problem. If I were you I would turn myself in and get yourself a less serious punishment. Goodnight campers. Usual activities in the morning. Even if I am here!"


Hey can you guys checkout my friends books please. They are good and really deserve the comments and reads.

There is:

Cherry Blossom - Mintfall

Everything Was Hoibg To Plan... And Then - GummieBears01

The Girl With Glowing Eyes - GummieBears01

My Rouge Alfa Mate - Bellalu

The Lone Wolf - My Friend Mim (not sure of her WattPad name though)

Thanks Randoms! Also if your could check out my other books. Vote. Comment. Or in some way let me know your reading this book it would be great.

Night Randoms I'm going to bed its (10:25pm). I don't know when I will next update. I do have a social life you know!

Right. Goodnight. Sleep tight. Hope the bed bugs don't bite. Yeah watch out for them. They exist!

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