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Annabeths POV:

Ok I'll admit to it! We followed Percy after school to where he was waiting for his friends.

Suddenly two people literally just appeared out of thin air. One was a boy who you could only describe as an emo. He had longish black hair and he wore all black.

The girl looked about fifteen and had a spiky punk rock hairstyle that look good on her, she also wore a black death-to-barbie t-shirt and skinny jeans. She wore a silver jacket and a gorgeous silver tiara that stood out against her black hair. How I described it one word, cool.

"Come on Thals! If Perce beats us we won't hear the end of it. Ever."

"Yeah, yeah, Death Breath. If we'd left two minutes earlier like I'd told you we would definatly have beaten Seaweed Brain." Ok. What was with all the nicknames?

"To bad." Percy stood up.

"No! Nico! I told you to leave earlier!" the girl complained.

"Hey good to see you too cuz." He smiled I mean actually smiled. He seems to fit in with these people. Not like here at school where he's always on the outside. No matter how well he did in gym he was always on the outside. With these people he seemed to be right in the center of their group.

"Come on. Moms made blue choc chip cookies."

The other boy, Nico ran off. "Come on. I want some of your moms cookies!"

"Wait up, Death Breath!" The girl, Thalia called after him.

"Come on. We'd better catch him. We need to find Paul."

"We gonna borrow his car?"

"No. He just wants to see you two." Their voices faded in the distance.

"That was interesting." I said.

"I didn't know Percy Jackson could hold do much emotion." Katie added.

"Come on. The guys would be waiting for us." We ran around the oval through the bush so that no one would be suspicious of us. Then we all piled into Selina's car and drove off to meet up at our favourite cafe. Jensens.

As we got out of the car I turned towards the other two. "Not a word to the guys ok?"

"Agreed!" They said in usion. Then we burst out giggling.

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