Chapter 27: Through The Dark

Start from the beginning

Hope your heart is strong enough

When the light is coming down on you

We will find a way through the dark

I wish that I could take you to the star

I'd never let you fall and break your heart

And if you wanna cry or fall apart

I'll be there to hold you

You tell me that you heard it's all in vain

But I can see your heart can love again

And I remember you laughing

So let's just laugh again

But don't burn out

Even if you scream and shout

It'll come back to you, back to you

Oh I will carry you over fire and water for your love

And I will hold you closer

Hope your heart is strong enough

When the night is coming down on you

We will find a way through the dark

An you don't need

You don't need to run

And you will see its easy to be loved

I know you wanna be loved

Zayn started belting his part, Oh I would, oh I would. Behind everyone else singing, Oh, I will carry you over fire and water for your love

Oh I will carry you over fire and water for your love

And I will hold you closer

Hope your heart is strong enough

When the night is coming down on you

We will find a way through the dark

Oh I will carry you over fire and water for your love

And I will hold you closer

Hope your heart is strong enough

When the night is coming down on you

We will find a way through the dark

Once the music stopped, the crowd burst into screams, including my screams. But once the set was over, Adam guided me backstage. I saw the boys head over to their dressing rooms so they could change. I followed behind Harry and ran to jump on his back. "Woah!!" He chuckled, knowing it was me.

I hoped off of him once he closed the door. He came close to me, all sweaty. Harry sweating never bothered me, everyone does it and he's perfect. I eyed his body, every inch of clothing was black, fitting his muscles nicely. I pulled him into me and kissed his tempting lips. I was still grabbing onto the collar of his shirt tightly. He was caught off guard, but quickly recovered and moved his lips against mine.

"Babe, I need to change." He mumble against my lips. I let out a giggle and pulled away, "No one is stoping you." "Yeah, not anymore." He winked at me as he ripped his shirt over his head, revealing all my favorite tattoos of his. And his beautiful physique, nice abs, strong pectorals, and big biceps. I turned away quickly before he caught me staring and then started to take his boots and pants off. "Did you like what you see, love?" He flirtatiously teased me. "I always do." I giggled at the true statement.

He came over to me, wearing a hoodie, beanie, sweats, and slippers, with a huge grin. "Come on bad boy." I joked about his appearance. He caught up to me and slide his hand into mine as we climbed into the truck that was taking us back to the hotel, along with the boys.

Once we stepped into are room almost all the boys headed to the kitchen. "Oh sweet food!!!" Niall dug into some ice cream already, cheeks turning pink when he saw me watching. I chuckled and turned to Harry, who held a banana, and he took my hand and lead me to our room.

He dumped the peel into the garbage, pulled back the sheets, and plopped down on the bed. "M' ere." He mumbled with his arms out, waiting for me. I giggled and stripped off his shirt and tank, along with shorts. I almost forgot Harry was there until I heard a loud wolf whistle. I rolled my eyes as I slipped one of Harry's big blue sweaters over my head, to let it hang off of me.

I slipped into Harry's grip when I finished. I let his warmth overcome me, "Here baby." I mumbled against his hoodie. "Sleep beautiful. I love you." I smiled to myself, "I love you too." And with that I fell asleep as Harry kissed my head and pulled the covers over my bare legs.

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