"Want anything?" He asked the both of us.

"Yes! Twix and a vanilla Nurishment please," Tanisha flashed an appreciative smile and he nodded.

"You Sha’riah?" I gave him a blank look.

"No." He appeared shocked by my bluntness.

"Soon come." He shut the door and Tanisha turned to look at me.

"You’re kind," she mumbled sarcastically. I tutted and went back to my phone.

"I don’t like him, why should I be nice to someone I don’t like?"

"He's actually trying with us and you’re acting like some-"

"I don’t give a shit to be honest." She shook her head in disappointment.

"Dunno how you’re gonna survive these 5 months boy. You’re gonna have to talk to him properly one of these days,"

"Course I will," she smiled "when I want money." I finished off. She frowned once again.

"You’re unbelievable," she sneered.

"So are you mate." She stuck her middle finger up and faced the front once again. I just couldn’t find a single fuck to give. I wanna be back with Marcus, feels as if I didn’t say a proper goodbye. I’d prefer if he had said he loved me face to face instead of sending the text, but it would have been awkward, especially after what happened between me and Dylan yesterday. Satan came back and put petrol in the car before getting in and starting the engine. He handed the bag over to Tanisha who thanked him like some beg and then began driving again. I couldn’t help but screw him through the rear view mirror. His face made me sick to my stomach, I felt like slapping him in the back of the head, just like I usually did to Marcus. I sighed and thought of him. Words couldn’t describe how much I’m going to miss him. These 5 months are just gonna drift by so slowly. I know I’ll be missing him more and more each day; we’re used to seeing eachother on a daily basis – it was the norm. It's gonna be hard to be away from him, not even hard, unbearable. By now I had stopped listening to music in order to preserve my battery, which meant I had to listen to this faggot chat and chat... and chat.

"Sha’riah," I heard him say. I sighed inwardly.


"How’s school been?"

"Fine." I replied plainly. He nodded slowly, oblivious to the fact that I didn’t intend to have decent conversation with him.

"And what you been up to lately?"


"You enjoying your holiday so far?"


"Well are you looking forward to Liverpool?"

"No." He stayed silent as he watched me through the mirror. I stared back, glaring at him intently, soon he’ll know not to start convo with me, like me and him are friends.

"Err...let’s see what’s on Choice." Tanisha said, she could feel the tension and attempted to ease the mood abit, but it wasn’t working. She turned up the radio and changed it to Choice FM. She smiled when she realised what song was playing.

"You could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare, either way I don’t wanna wake up from you! Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare! Somebody pinch me, your love’s too good to be true!" She started shouting out the words, not even singing—shouting. I watched her in awe as she began krumping just like Beyonce in the video. I laughed lightly at how unbelievably neeky she was. Her singing voice was worse than mine, and that’s saying something. He saw me laughing in the mirror and began laughing along with me. I stopped as soon as he started.

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