The End of the Careers

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Prim POV

We chatted for a little while until the light in the room started to fade. I stood up.

"It's time."

There was a collective sigh as we gathered our packs and in some cases, weapons. There was a gathered silence as everyone looked to me, as if they wanted me to say something. I mean, seriously, who voted me leader?

"If you guys want an inspirational speech from me,  you aren't getting any one but this: stay alive." I said.

There was a couple of collective smirks from my comrades. I opened the door and went out. I went a little down each way of the hallway for a little while. I don't want to get another surprise attack. I went over the door and knocked a certain four beat pattern. The rest of my gang went towards the kitchens, while I covered the back. Dale was supposed to cover the front, and Haymitch and Amy were to cover the sides. We crept in the shadows, down the abandoned hallway, and up the hidden staircase that we found while scouring a route. I cringed at every thump that our feet made while hitting the cement stair case. I noticed that Haymitch was freaking out a little bit. His face has gone deathly pale and his eyes darted back and forth. He looked like he was going to vomit at any moment.

"You okay?" I whispered behind him.

"Fine," he wobbly whispered ", it's just that I'm claustrophobic."

I laughed.

"Of all the things to be scared of, your claustrophobic?" I said.

Now that I look back on it, it wasn't funny at all, but with the stress and pressure of the situation, I think I cracked.

We continued on through the passage, until we found ourselves near a room with big, gray double doors.

"This is it." Amy whispered.

We crept around to our positions. Dale pushed the door, so it moved only an inch, and ran back into the shadows with the rest of us. We waited several moments, that seemed like a lifetime to us. We waited. Nothing happened. I gave the three finger salute, and all of us moved the door a little more. The boy from District one was asleep on his lawn chair. His fingers was on his axe (I don't know where he got the skill to throw an axe. Maybe his mom was from District 7?) and his strong grip on it gave away that he was in a light sleep. I motoned for the others to get moving.

Dale took the contraption out that we made, and swung it over a beam that ran across the ceiling. He tied an end of the rope to top of the door. He gave me a nod. The trap was set.


We all ran through the door and shut it. I took the blanket, and covered the door lightly, just in case any spread to the corridor. We all looked at the door, and started to cheer. The plan had gone successfully. Amy and I hugged while the boys were doing who-knows-what. I tussled Haymitch's hair, and turned to hug the next person. I felt the woodsy scent come over me. I looked up and saw Dale's face inches from mine. His sparkling brown eyes, met my blue ones.He leaned in. I stood a little taller on my toes. I never saw the hazel flecks in his eyes until he was right there. A cough behind us snapped us out of the daze we were in.

"Oh, get a room." said Haymitch.

I turned the famous Weasly red, and turned away from Dale. I went over and collapsed in the chair, not due to the running around and stuff, but the stress from all of the planning. I really hope my hell week wasn't coming up soon (A/N: I think most of you know what this is referring to) I felt my head slip back to the chair, and all was black.


BAM! My eyes flew open. BAM! What's going on? BAM! What was this rope suspending me? BAM! I scrambled to sit up. A blanket fell to my feet. Oh, so that's what the rope was. I took my knife out of my belt and faced where the sound was coming from. I saw Haymitch, Dale, and Amy piling furniture against the door. I ran over to them.

"What's going on?" I demanded.

"Someone is trying to get through that door." panted Dale.

"We can't hold them off for much longer." said a strained Amy.

I dove right in to help them. I piled up everything I could, before there was nothing left to pile. I held my knife out.

"What do we do now?" asked Haymitch

"We fight." I said

As the tributes on the other side of the door pounded, the furniture fell off in heaps. I raised my head to the sky.

"Mom, Dad." I whispered ",I know I haven't really been talking to you guys at all the past few weeks, but I really need your help. We're in a pickle. A big one. I really need you guys to come through. Please. I love you guys so much and if this is a goodbye, I'm sorry."

For a second, nothing happened. Then, a panel from the roof over me slid open, and a silvery parachute began it's flight, slow, and steady.


One more chapter guys! I know, it's really sad. But we have another booook! You guys are really going to kill me with the ending I have planned, but I'm no John Green. Or JK Rowling. Or Susanne Collins. Or Rick Riordan. (and no I will not throw your OTP into the tatarus)


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