The 74th Hunger Games

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Chapter 3

My voice rang out in the silent classroom. Ms. Sae smiled after that and said,

"I am not surprised you, of all people, want to know about these particular games."

I blushed. Ms. Sae went through a series of tapes. She finally found the right one and pushed it in the DVD player. A black screen with the words 'The 74th Hunger Games' came up. Soon, it showed a clip that showed the background of the games. All through this clip, my mind was whirling with curiosity until a gathering came up on the screen. A highly makeup-ed and plastic looking man came up on the screen and dug in a bowl filled with slips of paper and read a name. A pretty girl comes up with a look of delight on her face. Next, a boy that appeared confident come up and the scene changed to a different place, with different people, but with a similar setup. A girl came up with a huge smirk on her face. Following her, a brutal looking boy volunteers and has this nasty gleam come in his eyes. The districts go on, and a couple stand out to me, like a foxfaced girl, and, eventually get to district eleven. A girl named Rue is called up. I wonder if that's the girl I'm named after? I think. Then this big built guy replaces her. I tense. I know what's next. In this moment, I was made possible. I think excitedly. A guy starts off by doing a head dive. I smirk, because my parents are always talking about Haymitch. Next a very hyped up woman says a couple of words. So this is Effie. She picks a name out of the jar. It's Primrose Everdeen. A pale looking girl with my hair slowly comes up to the podium. I see my mom yell out her name and scream,

"I Volunteer!"

She comes up to the podium. Effie congratulates her and starts clapping. Instead, everyone else rose their three middle fingers to their lips and hold it high. My dad is called and my mom freezes. Later, there is horses and immediately my mom and dad take the show. They were literally on fire and they were so... beautiful together. Next, it cuts to interviews. There is a very scary looking man talking to each tribute. Eventually, it comes to my Mom. She was twirling in a beautiful jeweled dress, when Dad comes on. The audience clearly finds dad humorous until he admits that he loves my mom. Finally, the gory part has arrived. They stand on a plate for one minuet and go. My mom instantly sprints and grabs a pack. The girl from district two throws a knife at her, but she blocks it with an orange backpack. Dad joins the brutal looking boy, the girl from one and two, and my dad. My dad goes on a manhunt for my mom, and he kills this girl who was innocent enough to make a fire. My mom was watching when they were planning to kill her. Betrayal comes on her face. She later, is dodging fireballs when the group with my dad comes along. They chase her up the tree, but can't get to her. My dad was always keeping an eye on her. I see the girl named Rue come and point to a nest. My mom cuts the nest and drops it on the group below. After seeing the gory image of the girl from one, I know why my mom has nightmares. Soon, the games is over. I stare forward in shock. I had no idea that it was that hard to watch.

"Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg!" Goes the phone.

Ms. Sae picks it up. She pales immediately. She looks at us like we are all of kids going to our deaths. She hangs up. I look at Rye in confusion.

"Line up, in a single file line." She says

I glance at Rye and say,

"Where are we going?"

"The Hunger Games have returned." She says grimacing.

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