Chariots, Deja Vu, and kittens

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  • Dedicado a Rylee Arvin

I resisted the urge to bite my nails as the chariots came in view. I was really nervous. A handsome, burly looking guy from district two seems to be looking at me. I meet his gaze. He obviously sees that as an invitation over. Who does this guy think he is? I think. He leans against the chariot and sticks out his hand.

"Hi. I'm Dale Hawthorne"

Wait, did he say Hawthorne?

"Hi. I am Primrose Mellark."

"So, um... I don't know if your mom told you this but my dad and her-"

"Were hunting partners" I finished for him. "Yeah, I know."

There was a long, awkward silence when I said

"Do you like goldfish with applesauce?"

"Wait, what?" He said

"You know, goldfish and applesauce. It's a great combo." I babbled.

"Uh, I haven't thought of it." He said looking uncomfortable

Nice going, Primrose. I thought. I made him uncomfortable, and he has now tagged me as a freak. Great. I was saved from another awkward silence by my Mom, Dad, Haymitch, Crama, and another person I don't reconise. My mom stopped dead, when she saw Dale. Her eyes widened and said


Dale looked embarrassed and corrected her.

"Uh, I am Gale's son Dale"

Mom turned pink and she muttered

"Of course not I-"

Dale was called to District two's chariot. He said a quick good-bye and ran off. Crama and the other woman ushered us on to the chariot.

"You okay?" I asked Haymitch.

"Yeah." He said " I am as ready as I will ever be."

When did my little Haymitch become so grown-up? I mean, the other day he put his underwear in MY cereal box. And that other time he triggered the TV to go to embarrassing baby videos whenever a TV show I liked came on. And that other time- well you get the point.

During our conversation, District 1,2,3,4, and 5's chariot got released. My mom came over and pinned the mocking jay pin on my thick strap and smiled at us.

"Chins up, smile they are going to love you." Says Barbie arriving just in time.

I looked at Haymitch's short sleeved shirt and shorts, also pitch black. It was like a normal summer day


It was a normal day in district twelve. It was an amazing day to go play in the giant holes in the ground, ruined buildings, and the woods. We raced downstairs, as fast as our little feet could carry us, as I was five and he was three. Dad was making breakfast, because Mom is a terrible cook, and can only make soup.

"Good morning Prim and Haymitch" Dad said.

The back door opened up and Mom came in the kitchen.

"Whew, it's hot today." She said and sat down across from me.

Dad layed pancakes in front of Haymitch and I. Mine had a big pancake, with little pancakes as ears. The mouse had blue berry eyes, a cherry nose, and a whipped cream smile and bow. Haymitch got the same thing except no bow. We both dug in to our breakfast as Dad hurried over and kissed Mom on the head.

"How about we head over to the lake!" Mom said.

Having only been to the lake once, I clapped and squealed. Haymitch did too just because I did.

The Hunger Games: Next GenerationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora