Chapter 10: Josh

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I wait on the porch for Josh, looking around nonchalantly but really, my mind is racing with thoughts about Josh. The only moment I'm not really thinking about him is when I get a message from Emily in the group chat we have with Rose.

Emily: Hey

Emily: What your girls doing?

Me: I'm going out for lunch

Rose: With your brother?

Me: Nope

Emily: No?

Me: I'm going with Josh

Rose: Are you guys dating?

Emily: Is he cute?

Me: No and yes

Rose: Have fun

Emily: Yeah and give us the details later yah

Me: yah, of course

A car soon pulls up in front of the house and lo and behold, it is Josh. He's wearing a cute top with pants and a beanie on his head. He smiles when he sees me and walks towards me. He immediately pulls me into a hug, pulling me close to him.

"You look pretty today, extra pretty in fact." He says with a wink.

I feel myself start to blush and I can't contain the smile on my face. He takes my hand and leads me to his car.

"Where are we going?"

"We are going to the mall."

He continues driving down the road, to the mall. I haven't really taken a trip there yet so I am excited to be going there. Soon, we pull up in the parking lot of the mall and go in. The mall seems brand new, with many shops that are open where people are bustling around with their shopping bags.

I walked through the crowd with Josh, following him as we walked along the many shops.

"Here it is," Josh says after we walk past about ten other shops.

He immediately pulls me through the door and I was about to run. Josh just drags me into a lingerie shop.

"What are we doing here?" I shout-whisper to Josh.

I have never been to a lingerie store and never intend to, especially not with Josh.

"I thought that you needed some," he says with a smug look on his face.

"And why would I need it?"

He opens his mouth, ready to give a reply but a sales girl comes walking past.

"How may I help you?" she says in an overly cheerful voice.


"You guys look like such a cute couple!"

"We are not a ..." I wanted to correct her but Josh interrupts me.

"I think she means to say that we are not, not a couple."

With one swift move, he puts his hand around my waist and pulls me closer to him, "Am I right, girlfriend?"

I can't answer him, don't really want to. I am at an utter lost for words, not having a clue as to what to say.

"Aw... I think that she's just shy and we'll do just fine,"

"Alright, be sure to buy some of these things for your dirty deeds!" She says, a little too brightly and too loudly for my taste when talking about these things.

Once she wanders away, I pull Josh out of the shop and walk away.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

"Home." I say with a glare and continue walking towards the exit.

"Camilla, don't go yet." He says as he grabs my wrist, "Can we at least have lunch first?"

I look at him and for some reason I can't explain, I nod my head and agree.

"What are we going to eat?"

"You'll see," he says.

We go up to the second level of the mall and stop in front of a restaurant.

"Do you have a reservation?" the waitress asks.

"Yes, under Wesley,"

"Alright, your table is over here," she says as she takes a few menus and brings us over to our table.

We are eating at a cute place, Little Persia. We sit at a cute light wood wooden table and comfy cushioned chairs. There are potted plants and pretty murals on the wall. It is cute quaint and I also loved the fact that the restaurant is a place where you would always see couples and it is adorable.

"What are you eating?" Josh asks, his eyes pocking above from the menu.

"I don't know... Maybe I'll have chicken."

"Okay, I'll have the same then."

He waves over a waiter and gives her our order. As she walks away, Josh stares at me. His elbows are placed on the table, hands supporting his head, his mesmerizing eyes staring back at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask softly.

"Because I like you."

"What do you like about this?" I ask, gesturing to myself.

"I like your eyes, your nose, your mouth, your hair, your face, your body..." he paused for a while when he runs out of things to say. After a sharp breath he continues, "And I like you,"

The waiter comes to my rescue, just in time, placing the plates of chicken onto the table.

"Enjoy your food," she says, and left.

I eat my food and try to ignore the words Josh just said. It is all so confusing. Or is it simply the truth, does he really like me? Well, do I like him? I look up from my chicken and see his hopeful eyes. His perfect face and pretty features, his strong arms that were around me, that made me feel safe. I duck my head back down as I think about it for a few more moments.

We finish our food and pay for the bill, we go to the parking lot and get into the car and Josh drives me back to mansion pearce.

The car pulls up to the mansion, I sit there with him, not alighting just yet.

"I like you too." I say, looking at him.

He looks over to me now, eyes bright and with a smirk on his face.

"Thank you." I heard him say softly.

"Thank you, for what?" I asked confused.

His eyes jumped around, then, they land on my lips.

He leans in and let his lips hover just in front of mine, not touching like he did at the party, but then, he leans in further and presses his lips against mine.

His lips are soft and he tastes sweet. The kiss seems to last forever, I hopped it would but there comes a knock on the door. Our lips part and I turn to see who it s. It's none other than Cameron.

// thanks for reading ten chapters of this!

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