Chapter 1: Goodbye and Hello

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"Camilla! You coming?" Cameron bellows from the foot of the steps.

I throw in the last of my clothes, which includes a swimming top and bottom, as an afterthought, before I zip up my suitcase and lunge it down the steps to him.

"Took you long enough," he mutters and I shoot him a little devils' smile before going to the kitchen to say my goodbyes.

Mom is the first one to stand up when she sees me and gives me a tight hug,.

"Take care Camilla," she says and gives me a little peck on the cheek.

Cameron walks in too, fist bumping dad as he whispers something into Cameron's ear which results in a low chuckle.

"Take good care of yourselves, alright," he tells Cameron and I, in which we nod back in reply.

"We're eighteen, we can well take care of ourselves, dad," I say giving him a hug too.

"I know," he replies with a sigh before the two littles come running into the kitchen.

"When are you guys coming back?" Alicia asks as she grabs a muffin to stuff herself with.

"We'll be back for Christmas,"

"We'll miss you!" Ally says as she comes over to hug us.

"We will miss you too," Cameron says and with that, we checked our bags and loaded them on the car, saying our last goodbyes for the three months or so away and once the car door closes and Cameron slides in his seat, we take off.

I look back at our house as we drive away when Cameron says, "Hey, Cami."


"We're going to college." He says as if he were announcing a piece of great news, putting out his hand for a high-five which I gladly smack down.

The music from the radio hummed along as the car continued forward and I wandered in my pool of thoughts. I was excited yet worried about this first experience without my parents, my first experience meeting boys after however long it's been. I was not looking forward to meeting cocky boys like those I had read of in countless of books and even though I told myself that I didn't want, didn't need, a romance right then, I knew deep inside, I truly longed for one. The thoughts buzzed frantically in my head, bouncing off one another as I stared dreamily out the window. A boy with a cap and black hair, loading his car, catches my sight and I wonder to myself, how was I going to handle being in a house full of boys when the sight of one already made my heart skip a beat? He looks up and I see his black eyes but before I can look for a second longer, the light turns green and we are continuing our journey, nearing our destination.

The two hour ride passed rather quickly, with my being absorbed in my thoughts but once you could make out the view of the school ahead, my attention focused on it. Soon, the façade of the school building was in full view and we could see the large banner that hung on the main building. It said "Welcome to Belcrest College".

My mind starts to buzz with excitement, I'm no longer thinking of how I will hide in my room all the time and keep to myself like I had envisioned in my mind in the weeks leading up to today. Now, a sudden goal jumps into my mind, I want to have fun in this first term, meet the guys I'm living with and let go, maybe even a romance or two too.

// This is a short chapter but I hope you like it! The following chapters will be longer than this so, don't fret since this is merely an introduction. :)

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