Chapter 1

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"Mom! We have to go now!" I shouted up to her.

"Coming! I'm coming," my mom replied as she ran down the staircase nearly tripping over her own two feet. I mentally rolled my eyes at my mom's clueless state, grabbed the car keys and my luggage and headed out to the car. After 10 minutes of speeding out of my neighborhood and down the road, we reached my high school. Everyone was already huddled outside of the bus parked in front of the school when we arrived. My mom parked and helped me carry my stuff over to the large mass of suitcases already situated in a pile off to the side of the bus. A chorus of "Hi Mrs. Decker!" rang out amongst my friends as we added my stuff to the pile. My mom is one of those moms that always is happy to have my friends over and is known to have an abundance of snacks ready for the consumption of my guy friends. Then again she did get a lot of practice from when she would cater to Ma- actually now is not the best time to think about that. "Oh gee hello to you guys too!" I sarcastically noted. I turned to my mom as she began to lay out the rules one last time.

"Now be careful, I don't want any calls reporting broken bones or broken hearts while you're away," warned my mom. "Mom!" I quietly yelled. "Just making sure I put that out there," she playfully nudged. I rolled my eyes as she kissed my forehead and got back into the car. "Bye Mrs. Decker!" All my friends yelled and waved as she drove away.

Once she left I went and found my best friend, Kirstie.

"I thought you'd never make it," she smirked.

"Like I'd miss the chance to whip your ass down the slopes," I retorted.

"I'm pretty sure you're going to whip everyone's ass, not just mine," she added.

And she was probably right, I could beat anyone down any slope. It helps that I've been skiing since I was an infant unlike most of my friends who just ski for fun occasionally.

This weekend I'm headed up to my family's lodge at a semi-local ski resort with practically the whole senior class. So yes, my family is kind of rich. But we put it to good use, like funding this ski getaway for me and about 30 other kids. (Small senior class I know but I go to a private high school)

"Hello? Kylie?" Someone said as they snapped their fingers in front of my face.

I blinked a couple of times and realized Kirstie was trying to get my attention.

"Wha- yes?" I asked.

"Sam just asked me to sit with him on the bus, I know we were going to sit next to each other but-" I cut her off, "no, yea, go ahead! It's about time he's made his move on you."

She punched me but then quickly ran back to her boyfriend to be. I bet they'll be dating by tomorrow.

Well it was finally time to get on the bus and I still didn't know who I was going to sit next to. So I just sat in a row towards the back and scrolled through my phone thinking that I would just make the best of whoever say next to me.

"Is this seat taken?" I heard a deep, husky voice ask.

My eyes shot up to find out who has asked. And I mentally rolled them as soon as I saw who had asked.

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