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"I'm scared if you aren't with us I will be tempted into doing things. I know that it's still far away but I'm thinking about it now. It worries me." I shook my head. I didn't want to hear those words leave his mouth. I bit the inside of my cheek not really responding to what he had to say. "You know I tend to make mistakes, I don't want to have the option to make the mistake."

I sat up loosening Luke's arms from around me. "Things aren't mistakes when you know what you are doing. If you look at girl like damn I want to fuck her than that's an issue. Like don't get me wrong you're allowed to think someone is attractive but you shouldn't have the urge to want to sleep with someone else. If you look at a girl and think damn I might like her then there is no reason for me to be here." I looked away from him. "I don't need to be in the picture if you think you might want to sleep with someone else. Like if I'm not satisfying your needs than we both need to move on."

"Emmy." He sighed trying to get me to look back at him but I refused. "I'm just worried. I don't know what is going to happen."

"Up until this moment I wasn't worried." I stood up. "I don't worry about sleeping with another guy while being with you. I guess that's what happens when you've loved someone your whole life. They become your world when you aren't even a stitch in theirs."

"Shut up Emmy. You are just as much my life as I am yours." He grabbed my hand trying to make me stay in the room with him.

"If that was true you wouldn't be worried. Stop fucking second guessing your god damn feelings. Either you are in love with me or you aren't Luke." I turned my head back to look at him. "Either you want this or you don't. There shouldn't be any question or concern. I think you need time to figure out your feelings."

"No Emery." He pulled me towards him. My body bumped into his. He wrapped his arms around me resting his hands on my lower back. "I'm not questioning us. Stealing Michael's tattoo I love you to the moon and back. I would say I'd give up my career for you but we both know I'd be lying. You would hate if I did that." I nodded my head. "I'm in my own head and I apologize for voicing my stupid concerns that I shouldn't even be having. You are right in every way. If I really love you in the way I say I do than I shouldn't be concerned because you should be all I worry about, care about, and think about."

"Honestly I don't want to be the only thing you worry, care or think about. You're a young dude. You're a rock star. You have an amazing ability to captivate thousands of people. You should also be thinking about changing others' lives in the way you've changed mine. You are an asshole sometimes but you are also a great person that everyone should get the chance to know. You should be able to make relationships with other people without things going to another level. It's something you seem to struggle with. You like taking things fast. You're like the one night stand guy and I'm like the kiss on the fifth date girl."

"Kiss on the fifth date? Look at this outfit." He took a step back looking me up and down. "This is such the one night stand outfit. Guys t-shirt and underwear."

"I'm the one night stand that gets attached for life, you're the bang and leave type. How's that?" He laughed.

"Unless I fall in love." He pulled me back into him and kissed me. "Let's just say falling in love is a lot more fun. Especially when it's with a girl like you."

"That is the corniest thing I have ever heard and I hate you for it."

"You love me and every bit of my corniness." I rolled my eyes.

"Only because I'm forced too."

As planning and preparing for their next tour came into focus we all started to spend a lot less time with each other. Days they were off doing their thing, nights were spent catching up. There was never an in between for our nights. It was either going out getting bombarded or hibernating away from everyone. There was really no real sense of normal.

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