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"Luke." I said as he walked past me not saying a word. He tried to act like he didn't hear me. I cleared my throat. "Luke." I said again this time standing up on the stage. He couldn't just ignore me now. I was standing in front of him there was no way he couldn't have not heard me.

"I'm busy Emery can we talk later?" He tried to walk around me but I moved so he couldn't.

"Busy enough to have a 20 minute conversation on the phone with Olive but can't say one word to me the whole time you've been home." I bit the inside of my lip in anger and sadness. I shook my head trying to shake off my emotions.

"Can we do this later I'm busy." I shook my head and bluntly gave the answer to his face. He was going to talk now or never again. I was done with the situation and he needed to know it. I held back everything for long enough. I didn't care how big the home country shows were. I ran my hand over lyrics that were permanently stuck to me wishing they had no connection to him.

"I thought you were going to come home and we were going to pick off where we left off. You know kissing in the airport, getting caught with me. That hasn't been the case though. You're so far up her ass again it's like us never existed."

"You made it clear you can't trust me." I shook my head at him.

"You've got to be kidding me Luke Hemmings." I held my hands behind my back. I took a second to breathe so I didn't say something I would regret. "I've been dreaming of the god damn day I got to see you since I've been home. I should have known you'd do this to me again. This was the last chance I was willing to give you. You blew it on her. It was the biggest mistake of my life falling for you." I pushed past him and left the stage. I didn't even look back to see his reaction.

I didn't even want to watch the hometown show. I left and started walking home. With walking home meant walking past fans which I wanted nothing to do with at that moment. I didn't want to get in a car and drive. I wanted to walk until I couldn't walk anymore. I didn't care about actually making it home. I just wanted to get away from the arena. I ignored everyone that called my name. Any person that tried to stop me was blown off. I didn't care about the attitude I gave. I just wanted out.

Ashton: Where the hell are you Remmy?

Emery: The middle of bumfuck nowhere. I can't fucking be around him anymore. I'm sorry I won't be at the show. Good luck to you and the guys.

Ashton: Come on Rem.

Emery: No Ashton. I'm sorry but I can't do this.

My hands were shaking so bad I could barely type on my phone.

Emery: He's ruined my life more than once. Before he can send me into a spiraling pit of doom again I need to get out of there. I need to run away as far as I can.

Ashton called my mum or talked to her at the show, because she came to find me. They used the stupid find my phone on the iPhone to locate me. I didn't want to get in the car with her but she forced me. She drove me back to the stadium but I didn't get out of the car when it came to a stop. She knew exactly what was going on, everyone did.

"Olive isn't here." She said and I looked at her.

"It isn't Olive, its Luke." I looked out the front window which faced the building that was the stadium. There was no way I was going inside to face him. My mother left me in the car and left for the building. I watched her disappear behind the doors leading inside. I watched people come in and out of it for minutes. As soon as one person would leave another would enter. That's what setting up a show consists of. Most of the figures walked left or right. No one walked straight for the car, except for him. He got into the driver's side of the car and didn't say anything for a few seconds.

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