Chapter 14

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Bob- Hello everyone. 

Hermione- Bob! Why are you so upset?

Bob- You know my girlfriend Ella? She dumped me.

Clove- Well, now that you're single...

Bob- Um, awkward? Anyways, I'm okay because I got a new girlfriend. Meet, Miranda! 

Miranda- Hey everyone! NIce to meet you all!

Cato- You're pretty.

Clove and Bob- Watch it Cato. 

Miranda- So, I have more truths and dares from @erinrosseh123! First, Peeta. Truth or dare.

Peeta- Dare.

Miranda- I dare you to go up to President Snow when hes on television and hit him with rock hard burnt bread and then jump on him yelling: YOU ASK FOR BREAD, I GIVE YOU BREAD!! Ok?

Peeta- Okee Dokee!

Rue- Artichokee.

Clove- Shut up Rue.

Peeta dissapears and reappears next to Snow.

Snow- As I was saying, What in the world!?!


Peeta dissapears and reappears next to Bob. 

Peeta- Hahahahaha.

Rue- Lol.

Clove- Shut up Rue.

Miranda- Next is... Snape!

Snape- Really?

Miranda- Yes! Tell the truth, who would you rather marry? Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Lily Evans or Justin Beiber. 

Peeta- Ha! Gayyy!

Snape- Well, I remain faithful to Lily, but....

Miranda- Hurry up.

Snape- Aw, screw Lily! Miley is AMZing. Miley Cyrus!

Miranda- Really? Wow! Now Cato. I dare you to go out with Katniss. 

Cato- Cool. I'm dating Katniss Everdeen.

Miranada- Now dump her for Prim.

Cato- Not cool. I'm dating Primrose Everdeen.

Miranda- Katniss. Now that you know Rue wanted to kill you, would you still rather die instead of her?

Katniss- Hell no. 

Miranda- Oh. Hermione, truth or dare?

Hermione- Truth.

Miranda- Have you ever wanted to slap someone so hard that they get knocked out?

Hermione- Yes.

Miranda- Who?

Hermione- Fred and George. 

Miranda- OH them. 

Clove- I'm getting bored.

Ron- Me too. 

Bob- Lets take a break and go to Walmart. 

Everyone except Bob- Yay!

Everyone dissapears and reappears at walmart. 

Ginny- I'm going to the clothes departmant.

Katniss- Me too.

Clove- Me three.

Peeta- Gale I know a fun place where we can goo.

Gale- Great. Lets go!

Snape- I'm going to the toys.

Ron- I'm going to the wand departmant.

Bob- There is none.

Ron- Oh. Then I will just go with you Bob. To the food.

Miranda- I'll come too.

Hermione- I'm going to the books.

Rue- I'm going to the weapons.

Harry- I'm going to the washroom.

Everyone runs to different departments. At the food...

Bob- We will need these lemons, and these Corn flakes.

Ron- Look! Crab meat! Abra Kadabra!

The crab comers to life and chases a random old man out of the store.

Bob- Ron! Turn it back!

Ron- No. I will put him back into my bag.

Miranda- You're weird.

Meanwhile at the books departement.

Hermione- really. They don't have Hogwarts: A history. Hey! Clerk! 

Clerk- Va va voom! Yes, my pretty?

Hermione- Can I have the book, Hogwarts: A history

Clerk- No, but you can have my number! My names Steve. Whats yours?

Hermione- Abra Kadabra!

Clerk- Ahhhhh!!! Groan. 

 At the toys...

Snape- Did I just hear a magic spell? Must have been my imagination. Look at this cool Harry Potter action figure. Look theres a comic! Why am I bleeding in the comic? This comic sucks! I will blow up this aisle. I will Blow up this whole departemant. I will blow up this whole store! Bwahaha! 

At the clothes...

Ginny- Hey! I saw that dress first!

Some random old lady- True, but I grabbed it first. 

Ginny- Abra Kadabra! 

The old lady turns into a giraffe. She chases different people around the store then dissapears into the weapons departemant.

Ginny- Now for that dress.

Clove- Katniss, which skirt do you think Bob will like better? This one or this one?

Katniss- They all look horrible on you, Clove. 

Clove- Sad face. 

In the weapons departemant...

Rue- Hmmmmmmmm? Whats that?

A giraffe runs into the shelf and it falls over on top of Rue.


Rue falls on the floor, dead. 

Giraffe- ?????


Hey guys. Thank you to all my readers who are still reading this. A special thanks to @erinroseh123 and @bellatrixfan1 and @Ril101ey for leaving their truths and dares! Btw, I will try to update more, and if I have not used your dares or truths yet, I will later in the book. And remember, keep reading, voting and commenting! 


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