Chapter 9

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?Bob- Hey Hermione!

Hermione- Yeah?

Bob- How were your dates?

Hermione- I don't want to talk about that.

Bob- Too bad. What did Cato do on your date?

Hermione- He took me to see freaking Deathly Hallows part 2 in the theatres!

Bob- How was it?

Hermione- Why do I have to marry Ron? I mean, I never really liked him.

Ron, Ginny, Harry and Bob- WHAT?

Hermione- (blush) well, I always liked that Neville Longbottom ever since he lost his frog in first year.

Ron- Excuse me?

Bob- So Cato took you on a horrible date and Peeta wins right?

Hermione- NO!

Bob- Huh?

Hermione- That freak took me to McDonald's after I have told him I am vegetarian! He ordered a happy meal with a 'Dora the explorer' toy!

Peeta- It was Dora. How could I resist?

Ginny- Says the guy who watches Miley Cyrus everyday.

Peeta- How do you know about that?

Ginny- I have my ways. I also know that Cato has went to every Justin Beiber concert, Ron follows Robin Thicke on Twitter and Instigram, and Snape once tried stealing Harry Styles at a one direction concert.

Katniss- Did he get away with it?

Snape- No, I tripped on a piece of macaroni and broke my legs.

Harry- Why didn't Dumbledoor fire you?

Snape- Because he was there too.

Harry- Um...

Bob- So Hermione is dating Cato and Peeta is dating Millicent. Ok? Now I dare everyone to go on a date with their boyfriend or girlfriend.

Peeta- Cool! Millicent, do you want to go to Harvey's?

Bob- Wait! You all have to go to the same place. McDonald's!

Everyone except Bob and Peeta- ...

Peeta- Yay!

Everyone except Bob disappears and reappear at McDonalds. They start ordering.

Ron- I will have 2 big macs, 2 milkshakes, 2 ice creams and 2 cheese burgers. Anything for you Rue?

Rue- Yeah. A glass of water.

Snape- I would like my regular order of a hamburger and fries.

Clove- I will have the same.

Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Katniss, and Cato- Me too.

Millicent- I want all the money in that cash register NOW!

Peeta- I want a happy meal!

Gale- I want a whole bunch French fries.

Katniss- Gale, what the hell.

 Everyone goes to their tables with their food.

Cato- What the heck?

Hermione- What?

Cato- I ordered a hamburger!

Hermione- I know.

Cato- I thought they would give me an actual cow, not this garbage.

Hermione- Why would they give you a cow?

Cato- Because I want one.

Rue- Arghhh!

Ron- What?

Rue- Where is this water from?

Waiter- Oh, that is from the toilet. Some guy came in here last week and threw a computer at the sink and it broke. And I'm pretty sure someone pissed in that.

Ron- That was Snape.

Rue- Oh god.

Katniss- Gale!

Gale-That's my name, don't wear it out. That doesn't make sense. How do you wear names?

Katniss- Gale!

Gale- Yeah?

Katniss- Why are you dipping French fries in ice cream?

Gale- Because I can. And Canada is a free country.

Katniss- But we are not in Canada. We are in Panem.

Gale- Oh.

Rue- Snape! Did you piss in my water?

Snape- Possibly.

Rue- Yes or no?

Snape- Yes.

Rue- Ok. Thanks for being so honest.

Snape- Your welcome.

Rue- Bye bye.

Snape- Bye.

Clove- You guys are idiots.

Snape- Pretty much, yeah.


You guys I cant believe it. 50 reads already. I was not going to upload this tonight but I could not resist. And please tell me your truths or dares in the comments. I will probably upload tomorrow night or maybe even one more tonight.

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