Chapter 13

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Bob- Hello. 

Hermione- Bob! What happened?

Bob- I had a fight with the celebrity website. And we are allowed to bring in another special guest. But first, meet my girlfriend, Ella! 

Ella- Hi! I have some dares! From my friend, @bellatrixfan1! Harry, I dare you to break up with Effie Trinket. I have a new girlfriend for you.

Harry- Who?

Ella- Primrose Everdeen!

Katniss- Prim! No Prim! I voulunteer! I voulunteer as tribute!

Ella- What the...

Harry- Um.

Effie Trinket- Harry Potter!

Harry- Yeah, whassup?

Effie- I heard you have a new girlfriend! 

Harry- Says who?

Effie- Says him! This guy! Snape!

Harry- Snape! You idiot!

Effie- We are through!

Harry- Good!

Ella- And Prim is your new girlfriend!

Prim- Wait, what?

Katniss- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Prim! I'm so sorry!

Prim- Yeah, ok. Sure Katniss.

Katniss- Yeah. Sorry for the bad luck. Now have a nice life. 

Ella- Well, heres another dare! Peeta, I dare you to poke President Snow with some bread. 

Peeta- Cool! 

Peeta dissapears and Bob turns on the Tv. Peeta has some very burnt bread and pokes Snow with it. Snow has a seigure! 

Peeta- I'm back! 

Ella- Good for you. Now Rue, I dare you to eat the bread that Peeta poked Snow with.

Rue- Ewwww. Thats gross. 

Ella- Thats why you have to do it. 

Rue- No. I will kill myself. 

Rue kills herself. 

Ella- Dummy. 

Ella shoves the bread in Rues mouth, and Harry revives Rue. 

Rue- Gahhh! That tastes like a dead mouse!

Ron- How do you know what a dead mouse tastes like?

Rue- Do you know where I live?

Ron- Oh yeah, sorry.

Rue- You should be. 

Clove- Shut up Rue. 

Rue- Make me.

Clove- Ok. I will. Lets go into the hunger games again. 

Rue and Clove dissapears and reappears in the 74 hunger games. 

Rue- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Clove- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Run!

Thresh- I will kill you all!

Snape- Clove! NO!

Bob- How did you get there?

Snape- I took a taxi.

Bob- Oh.

Thresh- This is so wierd. I'm going to find Cato.

Cato- I'm right here, numbskull!

A game of truth or dare (Harry Potter and The Hunger games)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن