Chapter 5

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Bob- I'm back! And if you groan you have to kiss Snape!

Katniss- Groan.

Bob- Katniss. You groaned. Kiss Snape.

Katniss- No. Make Clove kiss him. After all, they are dating.

Clove- I didn't ask to date him.

Katniss- True.

Bob- OK! You don't have to kiss him. But you do have to do all the dares I ask you.

Katniss- Ok.

Bob- But first, I want you to meet this famous person.

Ginny- Please say it is not Miley Cyrus.

Peeta- OMG! I just saw her wrecking ball video! Wasn't it awesome?

Everyone stares at Peeta with their eyebrows raised.

Rue- You watch Miley Cyrus videos?

Peeta- Well, I just started a few months ago when my mom let me get a youtube account.

Clove- You just got youtube? Everyone has youtube! Even Rue! Right Rue?

Rue- Also Facebook, Twitter, Hotmail, Gmail, Instagram and Itext.

Harry- What is Instagram?

Hermione- Some stupid thing you post pictures on.

Ginny- Only muggles have it.

Snape- NOT TRUE!! I have Instagram. Didn't anyone see that post of Miley Cyrus the other week? Licking the statue of Liberty?

Cato- That was you? May I ask why your username is ILOVEMILEY?

Snape: :)

Bob- Anyways, The famous person is Robin Thicke!

Robin Thicke: What's up homies?

Everyone except Bob- ...

Robin- By the way, I have a dare for Ginny!

Ginny- Seriousely?

Robin- YUP. I hear you don't like Miley Cyrus.

Ginny- Uh oh.

Robin- You get too ride on a wrecking ball all the way through Hogwarts in a bikini.

Ginny- Let me guess. Singing wrecking ball?

Robin- Nah. Boring. Just sing the Dora the explorer theme song.

Ginny- Oh.

Ginny disappears and Bob turns on the television. Ginny is passing Dumbledoors office.

Dumbledoor- Hubba hubba!

Flitwick- What on earth?

Ginny- Dora, Dora, Dora the explorer!

Fliwick- Weasly! What are you doing!?!

Ginny- Boots is super cool!

Ginny and the wrecking ball pass by Flitwick and he tumbles over and asks Dumbledoor for help but Dumbledoor is too busy staring at that bikini. The wrecking ball passes Professor Mcgonnagal.

Mcgonnagal- Weasly! What on earth!?!

Ginny- Swiper no swiping!

Mcgonnagal- Oh man!

Ginny disappears and reappears next to Robin Thicke and a mirror falls on his head.

Bob- Oh dear. I don't think Robin is in any shape to play truth or dare. And I don't have any good ideas right now. I think we will have to end this chapter.

Everyone except Bob and Snape- Oh no we don't.

Bob- Huh?

Ron- We have a dare for you.

Bob-  What?

Ginny- You have to ask out Millicent Bullstrode.

Bob- Whos that?

Hermione- Some girl in slytherin that's really hideous and uglier than Clove combined with Snape.

Clove- Hey!

Bob- I guess that I have to. It can't be that bad.

Harry- Think again.

Bob disappears and reappears next to Malfoy.

Malfoy- Watch it, mudblood.

Bob- What did you call me?

Malfoy- Mudblood.

Bob- Ok. Thanks for being honest. Just so you know, you look like a hippo. Have you seen Millicent Bullshi... I mean Bullstrode?

Malfoy- She's right beside me.

Bob- That's a human!?

Malfoy- Sadly.

Millicent Bullstrode- You little...

Millicent chases Bob and Malfoy until they are cornered in a wall.

Millicent- Malfoy, you can go. Im going to fight this dweeb.

Bob- I guess now wouldn't be a good time to ask you out?

Millicent- Gasp! Really? Oh you little...

Millicent makes out with Bob as Malfoy laughs behind her. Then Bob disappears and reappears next to Harry and Harry falls on a record player and breaks his left elbow.

Bob- I guess it can be that bad.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys i know this is getting really annoying but i need more dares! Please tell me some in the comments!

A game of truth or dare (Harry Potter and The Hunger games)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant