Chapter 3

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Bob- Guess What?

Everyone except Bob- What?

Bob- I have another dare! For everyone!

Everyone except Bob- Oh no.

Bob-  But first we will let Hermione read us all a book of her choice, in honour of of not reading for a week.

Hermione- Really?

Bob- No. I was kidding. Now for the dare.

Snape- I wonder what it is.

Bob- You all have to compete in the hunger games!

Katniss- Again? Seriousely?

Bob- Yep. Starting now!

Everyone except Bob dissapears.

Katniss- GALE! Help! Cato is going to kill me!

Gale is too busy running away from a butterfly.

Gale- Mommy! Help!

Katniss- Groan. Peeta?

Peeta- Sorry Kat. Im going to throw a party at the cornucopia.

Harry- Everyone get Snape! Charge!

Everyone chases Snape around like Hippogriffs.

Peeta- Whats a Hippogriff?

Rue- I think its a sort of Hippo that lives in Mongolia.

Peeta- Where is Mongolia?

Hermione- Its in Asia.

Peeta- Where is Asia?

Ginny- Shut up Peeta.

Harry- Mother, Father, Gentleman!

Ginny- Harry! I already told you to stop doing that! Your starting to act like Malfoy!

Harry- huh? Sob.

Ginny- Im sorry Harry. Please forgive me.

Harry- Ok.

Harry and Ginny start making out.

Ginny- Harry, you kiss like a pygmy puff.

Hermione, Rue and Peeta- um...

Everyone dissapears and reapears in a room with Bob.

Bob- Hey guys!

Harry- Groan.

Bob-Harry! Just for that you have to stay in a room with Effie Trinket and Haymitch for a day.

Harry- Uh oh...

Harry dissapears.

Bob- One more thing. Ron. Truth or dare?

Ron- Dare.

Bob- You get to stay in a room with spiders for a day!

Ron dissapears.

Hermione- Will I get him back after?

Bob- If he's still alive.

Hermione- Ok.


UM... HEy can you guys please leave some comments and votes so i can see if you guys are enjoying this. SHOW ME SOME SUPPORT! If you leave some good dares or truths, i might even dedicate a chapter to you.

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