Chapter 4

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Bob- I'm back!

Everyone except Bob- Oh no!

Bob- And before I tell you anything,  lets get Ron and Harry back!

Ron and Harry appear next to Cato and Cato falls over.

Harry- That was horrible! Haymitch made me drink 14 glasses of wine and then while I was drunk, Effie gave me a lesson on how to not act like mahogany!

Snape- That woman is a beauty.

Bob- Anyways, this morning after I had a bath, I thought of an idea!

Katniss- What?

Bob- Today, you guys will take turns giving dares to each other!

Everyone except Bob- Oooooh.

Clove- Can I go first?

Bob- Ok.

Clove- Ron. Truth or dare.

Ron- Truth.

Clove- To bad. You pick dare.

Ron- What?

Clove- I dare you to dump Hermione and go out with Rue for ever.

Ron and Rue- WHAT!?!

Clove- Yep.

Bob- Sorry guys. Do as she says.

Ron and Rue- Grumble.

Hermione- You know what? Clove. Truth or dare?

Clove- Dare.

Hermione- I dare you to dump Peeta and go out with Snape for ever.

Clove- WHAT!?!

Snape- Yay.

Ron- Snape and Clove sitting in a tree.

Katniss- Chuckle.

Ron- K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

Snape- Yeah whatsup.

Ron- First comes  love, then comes marriage,

Clove- Don't you dare,


Clove- Argh!

Bob- Ok who's next?

Ginny- Me! Hermione and Peeta, I dare you two to date for ever!

Peeta and Hermione- NO!

Peeta- I can't even pronounce her name!

Hermione- Its H-E-R-M... wait.. how do you say my name anyways?

Snape- Hermit crab.

Bob- So Ron and Rue are dating, Ginny and Harry are dating, Gale and Katniss are dating, Hermione and Peeta are dating, and last but not least, Clove and Snape are dating!

A game of truth or dare (Harry Potter and The Hunger games)Where stories live. Discover now