"Right, Zayn are you finished?" I asked and he shoved a spoonful of Cheerios into his mouth before nodding, placing his bowl in the sink and grabbing his bag.

"Let's go then." Louis said as he opened the door and took Niall down to the car while I picked up Harry, who nuzzled his face straight into my neck, and locked the front door after Zayn and I left.

I put Harry in his respective seat and started the car. I dropped Zaynie at school and told him I would pick him up because I was planning on leaving early today and then dropped Louis off at college.

"Good luck with your exam baby, although you won't need it. I'm sure you'll do fine." I said.

"Thanks Li, I love you."

"I love you too baby. See you tonight!" I shouted as he climbed the stairs to the main entrance of the building.

After Louis left the car was extremely quiet as both Niall and Harry had fallen asleep. I arrived at the building soon after and pulled into my private car park space.

I got out of the car and was immediately hit with an awkward situation. How do I get the two boys inside?

I opened Harry's door first and put him onto my hip, I shut the door and then opened Niall's door. It took some seriously tricky manoeuvring but I was able to get Niall situated on my other hip as well. I shut the car door with my foot and entered the building, silently thanking God for all the doors being automatic.

I took the elevator up to my office and laid the boys down on a couch each. That's when I realised I'd left the pillows and blankets in the car, along with the nappy bag and cuddly toys.

"Morning son, so today- oh." My Dad entered the offices and immediately caught sight of the two boys.

"Morning Dad, this is Harry and Niall, two of the boys Lou and I adopted." I said and my Dad smiled.

"They're gorgeous Li." He smiled fondly.

"I know. They're not feeling too great right now, that's why they're here with me today." I explained.

"That's absolutely fine, is there anything I can get you?" He asked and I nodded.

"I left their blankets, toys and nappy bag in the car can you please get it?" I asked and he nodded.

"Of course. Nappy bag did you say?" He asked.

"Yeah, Harry has a pretty traumatic past which has led to him being a bedwetter and Niall's is just precautionary because he's sick." I explained.

My Dad returned a few minutes later with all of the objects from the car.

"Thanks for that Dad."

"No problem Li. I'll be back in at lunch." He said and then left my office.

I made Niall and Harry little beds on the couch and then tucked them both in. I'm not going to lie, I was quite pleased with myself - so much so that I took a picture to show Louis once he came out of his exam.

I sat down at my desk and got down to business on my computer.

"Daddy?" Harry asked as it was nearing one o'clock.

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