Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong Max?"

I swallowed, breathing hard as my heart pounded. "What do you need a human for? You've got me. Me and Jason. Aren't things cramped in here enough as it is?"

She pulled my forehead to meet hers and held my gaze. "Max. Breathe, okay? Breathe with me." She took in slow measured breaths and waited until I had made an effort. I focused on keeping to her rhythm. "Nothing is going to change Max. Not between us. We just have to make some lifestyle adjustments."

I stared at her. Then let out a sullen 'okay'. What else could I do? It was her place. She gently brushed a kiss over my forehead. She turned to find Seth watching us and asked me to show him around. Then she went to talk to Jason in the kitchen.

I grit my teeth as I showed Seth around the apartment. "That way is Logan's room and the library. This direction is Katty and Jason's room. My room's over there. Everything else you can see."

The blonde seemed more interested in me than in the apartment when I turned back to look at him. He slowly smiled. "Sorry for encroaching on your territory."

I forced myself to relax, licking my lips. "That's not it. I'm just... I wasn't expecting company."

Seth eyed me. Then he was glancing at Katty, talking with Jason in the kitchen. They appeared to be absorbed in their conversation. He moved in a little closer, making my heart jump in nervousness. His smile had faded as he spoke urgently under his breath. "Are you trapped here? These Vampires, they've got you chained, right?"

My eyes slowly widened as I put it all together. "You're a rebel. You never wanted to be a blood whore." Seth nodded and I slowly smirked. "You're in luck then. Katty and Jason won't hold you hostage."

Seth started to respond, then snapped his mouth shut and plastered a smile on his face when Katty came over. "You two getting along?"

Seth nodded. "Yes Mistress."

I noted Katty wince at the title. I winced a little at the title too. There was a very clear line between any and all Mistresses and Katty. It turned my stomach at any blurring of that line.

"You can call me Katty. In fact, I will insist on it. I don't much like being called mistress." After that it became a little more amicable. Seth stuck close to me, which bothered me even as it seemed completely natural. He was just like I had been when I was first dropped in Sophia's mansion. I had found like minded individuals in Tucker and Juliette and we had stuck together. And others after that had been drawn into our group.

It was just...there was something off about Seth.

Katty had me help her clear some space for Jason's things while dinner cooked. I felt like she was giving me a chance to talk to her away from Seth. I just couldn't come up with anything to say. I couldn't explain what felt off. I certainly didn't feel right about asking her to kick him out on the streets. Not if he was like me.

It would be terribly hypocritical.

After dinner, Katty and Jason moved all of Jason's things out of his room and into Katty's. Then Katty informed Seth that he would be staying in Jason's old room. Seth nodded along, still playing the good human. I decided to wait until he approached me again before explaining he didn't need to fake it. No harm would come to him as long as he was in Katty's care.

For that night though, I was eager to take up Katty's offer of sex. I was going to need to be tired out if I expected to make it through the day nightmare free. The whole situation also prompted me to try something new. I broke my first rule.

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