Chapter 64: The Stick

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"It did," I replied. "I can't believe it."

"I can," Lizzie whispered to us. "What happened was a big wake-up call for everyone in this room. As horrible as it is to say, it was what a lot of these people needed to see the truth–see that we needed change."

A horrible truth, but Lizzie was probably right. It may have been the dramatic wake-up call that people needed. A wake-up call at our expense, but at least I could sleep better at night knowing my pack was safer because of what we did–the people I loved, were safer.

"There better be. We didn't go through hell and back for there not to be," Ethan added.

I rubbed Ethan's arm then leaned on his shoulder as the meeting went on. The rest of it wast mostly spent with Ethan and I playing games of tic-tac-toe while they went through some kind of procedural something that made both my father and Levi look like they wanted to pull their hair out.

Dominic kept making people sneeze randomly while Lizzie made them say random words that we would come up with over our group link. When the meeting was over, Levi was more than ready to get out. He pulled Eve up with him and turned towards us. "Bar," is all he said.

"Food," Evan said from behind us.

Levi eyed him then nodded. "Food would be good."

"Did you talk to Lander?" I asked. Lander was supposed to come but Jane got her heat, so Lucas took her up to a cabin in the mountains in my father's pack–away from other wolves. Lucas was going to look over the pack with David while we were gone; he, Caden, David, and Jake were going to hold down the fort. Needless to say, Lander was pissed. It wasn't Lucas' fault, but Lander really wanted to come to Florida, but since my father and Levi were such 'besties' now, they told Lander they would make it up to him. They actually got Callista to let them borrow the rooms again after winter, Levi was going to surprise Lander on his birthday which was close to Christmas.

The council meeting only lasted another day, another day in which Ethan was ready to pull all of his fur out. We ended up skipping lunch and venturing into town before we went back to the beach; the beach that we snuck out to in the middle of that night so we could shift under the pier and run in the water.

My beast loved it. She was like a little pup frolicking around, chasing ghost crabs that would run away from her while Ethan just laid in the water, watching her with a ghost smile on his lips.

A ghost smile that disappeared when we had to wake up the next day and board the plane home. A plane that Ethan once again cursed along with Evan who swore that we were going to die. Lyanna just rolled her eyes and looked at me as we waited in line to get to our seats. "I brought some Benadryl. I'm taking a nap."

I chuckled and pulled Ethan with me to our seats. My beast just rolled her eyes at our male. She didn't like the plane, but she wasn't as skittish in it as he was. It probably helped that I had traveled a few times more than him on one.

Jake was glad to see us when we got home, as was Lander. Levi brought Lander a sea-shell bra which he didn't think was all that funny. He ended up having Lyle build a snowman in front of Levi's cabin when Levi was gone after the first snow hit the ground, which wasn't more than a few days after we got home, just so he could tie the sea-shell bra up on the snowman.

Jane and Lucas eventually came down from the mountains. Jane was not pregnant–or at least the couldn't smell anything, which gave me some relief–as horrible as it was to say. With Andrea pregnant, my beast and I wanted pups of our own but it wasn't like we could control when it happened.

Remi and Ryder were bunking with Bowie for the time being, until the snow melted at least. They wanted to build a cabin on our land, but close to Tikanni's. Remi had talked to Ethan, he wasn't sure he could still be the Beta-to-be for Lucas. It wasn't that Remi didn't like Lucas, but Remi was really close to Liam. He said it didn't feel right without Liam, and Ethan couldn't argue with that.

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