Benny should be worried about his substance abuse– his alcohol and drug addiction. Hmm, or what about his terrible gambling problem? Or that he's been to prison as well. Let's not forget he's out of work. How will he provide for not one, but two children? Then on top of it all, his living conditions aren't safe for any children. There's filth everywhere in his place, as well as some electrical and water issues. How will the children use the bathroom if there isn't running water? How are they even going to see where the bathroom is, if there's no lights? He's inapt of being the right fit for a father, and it's clear as day.

"He's really working my nerves, Mal. Just look at his stupid ass. He's not even dressed appropriately for court. I know I hate wearing dressy clothing, but damn it I have to do what I have to do. I have to win over the judge so I can get our son." He whisper yells to me, motioning down himself. Mmm, black slacks and a black button down. "You're totally right, baby. Dress to impress, that's what we're doing. You look great, and you told me I look great... therefore we both look good." I look down at my black pantsuit paired with a navy clutch and navy heels.

I then look over towards Benny, who's talking loudly on his phone as he takes a personal call inside a cellphone restricted area. If a guard sees him doing that, he could be immediately escorted out. I shake my head at his unprofessionalism, and then finally take a look at his attire. He's clearly unshaven, and his hair displays an unkemptness look as it sits messily on his head. His clothes... I can tell he either didn't care and threw any ole thing on, or just wore what he had on already. He has lots of stains on his shirt, and a few holes as well. I'm not sure how his pants or shoes look, I just can clearly see he's not presenting himself well.

Just as I am about to say something to Jason, the double wooden doors creek open once again, this time revealing the judge walking in. I also see Benny quickly end his call, and shove his phone into his back pocket as he smiles up at the judge.

"All rise." The bailiff then instructs everyone in court to stand to their feet. Jason and I quickly stand to our feet, intertwining each other's hands as we stare forward at the judge walking to his seat. "Mal?" Jase whispers, as he shakes our twined hands.

"What? I whisper back, not hearing a word the bailiff or judge just said or everyone. "That's the judge that sentenced me." Even though he spoke the words lowly, I hear each and every one of them.

I quickly turn my attention towards the judge, now recognizing him seeing how Jase brought it to my attention. He's the judge who sentenced him those eight years in prison– which he only did three, seeing how he got out on good behavior. That's Judge Nixon; I believe that's his name.

[A/N: Just a friendly reminder I do not know anything about courtrooms, judges, laws, and or child custody battles, so please do not hold anything against me. I did a bit of research, but a lot of the information was quite complex to grasp.]

"You may be seated." He gives us the go ahead to sit down in our seats, instantly causing for Jason's legs and hands to shake frightfully. "It's okay, calm down." I speak lowly under my breath, before giving his hand–that is still shaking terribly in my own– an encouraging squeeze.

It didn't take no time for the Judge Nixon to get going on the custody case for Joel. In fact, he informed us it would be a quick decision seeing how his mind was already made up looking at the files back at his office. I admit that made me a tad bit nervous, though I tried not to show it. Jason's already uneasy, and for me to grow visibly anxious won't make this any better.

I just don't want to lose Joel. This situation is tricky; it's not like Jason and I are trying to obtain sole custody over Joel, we are trying to get full custody. We do not want to share him with anyone else... especially not Benny. Now I understand he's kind of like a step dad type of thing, but even that he's not. He and Christine weren't even married, they were just boyfriend and girlfriend. The only thing that's keeping him linked to Joel, is his son Dylan... who is Joel's half-brother. Other than that, Jason is his biological father, and have every right to keep him.

Salubrious (Jason McCann)Where stories live. Discover now