Chapter 19

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Malarie's POV

Two days later

"I got it Jase, just carry the bags, I'm fine." I turn my head around, giving Jason a nice smile. "A-are you sure, because I c-can push you and carry your bags at the same time." He shuffles my many of hospital bags in his hands, attempting to push me in my wheel chair up our pathway to our front door.

"I am positive, babe. You have been such a great help to me lately, and I want to say thank you from the depths of my heart." I plainly tell him with nothing but honesty and love. "Alright then, well let's go on inside." I struggle to begin the rolling of my wheelchair, but I eventually get the hang of it.

Jason was so patient with me, and my slowness. Every time I stopped to take a mini break, he'd stop as well. I felt very bad, because I stopped more than ten times, yet he didn't say anything about it. He also never offered to help again, even if it looked like I needed his help. He simply respected that I wanted to do this on my own, and I appreciated that.

"Ooh, we finally reached the front door." I blow out a tired breath, firmly holding the wheels of my wheelchair. I wouldn't want to roll down the pathway of our house. "Yeah we did, and y-you did such an amazing job. I'm proud of you, Mal." Jason compliments, digging in his back pocket for his house keys.

"Thank you, babe." I pucker my lips, in an instant getting a shy chaste kiss from him. "Mmm yummy, somebody is wearing cherry Chapstick." I notice, going in for another one of his nice kisses.

"Malarie," He groans softly, blushing so very cutely. "I am a man, I'm not supposed to blush like a woman." He covers his face, attempting to get his reddened cheeks under control.

"You know Mr. Beautiful, that's quite a sexist thing to say. Men can blush- some blush more then women, even." I speak in fake annoyance, seeing him look at me between his spread fingers still placed on his face. "I guess you're right." He mumbles, being pulled down to me. Damn, I'm even shorter now.

"I know I'm right, now lay one on me." I close my eyes, waiting for his sweet kiss. "About six, right?" His voice grows a bit deeper and seductive filled.

"Yes, you and that number six." As soon as I say that, he laughs lightly, kissing me lovingly six times. "Now your lips taste like cherries." His lips brush against mine with his every word, before he pulls away to stare down at me in what seems like awe.

"I love you, so much." He says with zero falsity lacing his words. "I love you too, more than you'll ever know." The words tumble out of my mouth, no regret ever being thought about when I say them.

"I thought so." He cockily winks at me. "And we're back to your arrogance." I playfully roll my eyes, watching him chuckle to himself, along with unlocking the door.

He opens the door wide enough for me, giving me all the space I need to roll myself inside. I blow him a kiss, wheeling myself over the threshold being frightened to the maximum by loud yells and shouts.

"SURPRISE! WELCOME HOME MALARIE!" I scream out in high pitch, letting go of my wheels, just for me to roll backwards almost out the door. "Oh shit!" The guys yell out, coming to my rescue.

Although my knight and shining armor caught me before I rolled out the door. I pant, trying to catch my breath. I look up at Jason, who is trying to hold in his laughter. I couldn't help it myself, I bust out laughing, and so did everyone else. It is pretty funny, me almost rolling out of the door backwards.

"Damn, you're already trying to roll your ass out of here!" Za laughs, clutching his stomach. "Oh hush, you all just scared me, is all." I giggle, shaking my head.

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