"It doesn't smell bad. Just stay laying down; I want to look at you some more." I inwardly aww at his sweet words, but still shake my head in protest. "I want to; I usually brush my teeth as soon as I get up." I attempt to get up again, yet again I am push back down.

He holds one of his hands up in a wait type motion, as he leans over to his bedside drawer to retrieve something. He shuffles through his messy drawer in concentration, causing me to frown quizzically. He finally turns around to me, shaking a pack of the white tic tacs. I couldn't help it, I had to giggle at his cuteness.

"Open up." He pops the top open, waiting for me to open my mouth. "You are so cute." I open my mouth up, letting him pour a few on my tongue.

I close my mouth and suck on the minty tic tacs, watching him take an interest of watching me. Being a weird person I am, I open up my mouth and show him all of the mints on my tongue. Even going the extra weird mile, and wiggling my tongue a little bit. I wouldn't want to drop these mints all over myself. He looks down and chuckles, and then he so very nicely reaches up and closes my mouth.

"I hope you feel somewhat better, those are the fresh mint kind," he smiles at me in adoration, before he softly places a kiss on my lips. Even when I tried to move my head, he still managed to kiss me. "Anyway, we have to be face to face when I sing your song." He gets back on track, readying me for his next song to sing.

I was going to tell him that we were already facing one another, but I guess he read my expression displayed on my face. He gently lays me on my back, and straddles my hips with is body.

"I like this position." I admit, rubbing my hands up and down his pajamas pants that are covering his legs. "N-no, none of that." He grabs my hands, kissing my fingers on each hand.

"Why not?" I pull him down, and inhale his scent on his shirt. Although, I smell a sweet fragrance scent on his clothes I have never smelled before, and I lightly push him away from me. "Why do you smell like perfume?" I do not yell, nor do I get angry; I just ask him like we've been practicing in therapy. Yes, we are seeing Carl again.

"I don't smell like perfume." He oddly enough responds to me with a calm and collected manner. "Yes you do." I whisper my response, knowing my real voice would come out shaky.

"I do not, Sunflower." He whispers too, cupping my face with his big hands. "Then what is that florally smell?" Each word comes out all cracked and broken.

We look at each other face to face, not saying anything to each other for a couple of seconds. Then Jase lightly smiles at me. Why the hell is he smiling? This is not a smiling type of moment?

"Do you trust me?" He asks, finally breaking our silence. "Ye– I am not going to lie, we promised no lying to each other. I am trying to trust you, just like how you are trying with me." I utter the truth, not wanting either of us to get upset about lies.

We have been doing so good these past couple of weeks– coming into the New Year on a good note– and I wouldn't want dumb little stuff to ruin it. If he says he doesn't smell like perfume– which he does– I have to try to hear him out. There has to be an explanation for the scent on his clothes. Jason nods happily at my response, giving me a closed mouth smile that just so happened to reveal that dimple of his.

"That's all I ask of you is to try, my sweet little Jumbo Jack." I ignore his terrible nickname for me, watching as he shoots me a wink and clears his throat. "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Mal Mal, Happy Birthday to you!" I am quickly pulled to sit straight up in bed, with Jason covering my eyes with one hand in the process.

"Open your eyes, birthday girl." He whispers in my ear, and I just noticed I shut my own eyes as his hands were over them. "I am still getting over the fact it's my damn birthday! How could I have forgotten my own birthday?" I slowly open one eye, and then other one, which resulted in me widening them and gasping loudly.

Salubrious (Jason McCann)Where stories live. Discover now