Chapter 63: Lucky

Start from the beginning

My father laughed while he and Levi clinked their beers together. Ethan just shook his head then eyed Levi. "So we'll really re-talk the treaty?"

"It needs to be done," Levi said. "This will all be for nothing if we can't do something that will actually maintain the peace of things."

"Agreed," Ethan breathed out. "Alex seems to be behaving."

My father nodded. "We'll see. I would rather not have to kill him but right now I still wouldn't mind doing it."

I bit back a smile as Lucas jogged up to us with Jane holding his hand. Levi eyed him up and down then shook his head. "Son, how many brownies did you and little Janey here have?"

"Dad come on! Mom said it was ok," Lucas said, throwing his hand's up as Eve's eyes widened.

Levi looked at Eve, a tiny smile twitching on his lips. "Little red, did you tell our son that it was alright for him to have those damn brownies?"

"Jesus Levi pull that stick out of your ass. He's twenty-nine! He's old enough to eat a damn pot brownie if he wants to!" Eve replied, winking at Lucas who just eyed me with a smug smile.

"Want one sis?"

"Nope," my father and I answered together.

I eyed my father who just shrugged. "Fine baby girl, but Ethan's taking care of you if you puke all over the floor."

"I'm not puking over the floor, because I don't want any but thank you Lucas," I replied while Ethan seemed to visibly relax behind me.

Levi just groaned as he eyed Eve. "No more brownies for you Eve."

"Lucas, I think some mountain air would do you good tomorrow," my father replied with a sly smile. "You too Jane."

"Be nice!" my mother said, smacking his chest before she looked at Lucas. "Go have a good time sweetie."

"Thanks, mama Willa," Lucas said with a salute before he pulled Jane out to the dance floor.

"I'm going to beat that boy's ass tomorrow," Levi said more of a statement of what was for sure coming. "And he's moving into his own damn house. You're right Eve, I'm tired of him eating my damn ice cream and stealing half my paper."

"You are not you ass," Eve chuckled out before she kissed the corner of Levi's mouth. "But I agree, not for the same reasons, but I agree" she murmured back, almost a purr that had Ethan setting his beer down on the table while my father laughed as Levi slightly blushed.

"Dance sunshine?"

"Please," I replied quickly, setting my wine down while Andrea rolled her eyes at Levi, and letting Ethan pull me out while Elliot switched the song to something slower.

Ethan spun me around and pulled me to him, my eyes catching my parents–both Levi and my father laughing with my mother and Eve over in a corner. Lander and Claire waved to us while David munched on a brownie. "You got to try these Char!" he called out.

I shook my head. "I'll pass!" I called back.

Ethan laughed as I leaned my head against his chest. It was over. I couldn't believe it was over. It was so surreal. The smell of the smoke still in the air reminded me that it was real, but still, I don't think it had really hit me yet.

"What are you thinking?" he asked me.

I shook my head. "I'm thinking about how I get to sleep at home tonight and how I get to wake up tomorrow to blobs and how I love you."

"I love you to sunshine," Ethan replied before he dipped down to kiss me. "And I liked the tongue thing. That was new. I am a little jealous I didn't think of it first."

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